Sunday, February 24, 2019

Pretty Boy

Larry Couchmanos has long given up on having kids or finding love.  He took the old cliché, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” to heart in that he stopped playing.  He set himself up to never be corrupted by a woman so if a girl made a move, he wrote it off that they were slutty so didn’t want them.  He, however, never made the move because to him when the rules of the game is the woman will say ‘no’ regardless if she wants it or not; making a move is like a game of Russian Roulette.  Realizing that “No” actually meant ‘man up and make a move without permission’ vs. no actually meaning “no” was the difference of getting a hook up, which could lead to dating or being accused and permanently labeled a sexual predator/rapist.  Paradoxically the girls that had accused Larry of this did so when he hadn’t touched them at all.  The fact that so many of his female friends defended the girls by saying he didn’t understand how traumatizing it was to be turned down by a guy or not hit on by a guy, turned him off to the game.  There was no excuse to falsely accuse someone of rape or sexual assault. 

                To Larry, his love was reserved for his niece Jenn, his goddaughter his other nieces and nephew and his friends in that order.  Technically Jenn wasn’t really his niece but his friend’s niece but after almost two decades of being called qeo (pronounced Theo) Larry, which translates to “Uncle Larry” by Jenn, he had invested in it in every possible way.  Larry long stopped trying to rationalize why Jenn meant so much to him.  He just cherished what few and temporary moments he had with her.  Jenn lived in Chicago and Larry in New York so it’s not like they could see each other often.  Larry made the effort to see her but realized that it wasn’t too important to Jenn.  At first this crushed him then he realized that this was exactly the relationship he had insisted on and had with Jenn.  How many people really want to see their uncles frequently? 

Jenn loved Larry but he ranked pretty low in her most important people.  She used to look forward to his biannual cards for Christmas and her birthday but lately he had set the bar so high with the first few that, although very heartfelt and beautiful, she knew what to expect.  The cards used to all be motivating and sappy but lately Larry seemed to attack her boyfriend Benji.  Jenn had many boyfriends, which wasn’t too surprising.  She was extremely popular in high school, cheer captain, and prom queen dating the star quarterback.  What could be more cliché than that?  College wasn’t too different as she was cheer captain for Butler then she followed a boy to Chicago where she found herself now.  Jenn will tell you that she doesn’t care about money.  Her parents had her when they were 17 so they forwent college to raise her.  Not having a college education meant that her parents’ lives were a struggle.  This was exacerbated when her mother developed a lemon sized tumor in her brain when Jenn was just fifteen.  Jenn’s grandmother, who was a nurse, came to stay with them to take care of Jenn’s mother but after an argument, her grandmother walked out on them leaving Jenn to take care of her mother.  Unlike the cliché, Jenn was very smart.  She had tested at genius levels in IQ in third grade.  Being attractive and smart made Jenn a killer combination but she didn’t let it get to her head.  She stayed humble and attacked life.  She had a decent job in fashion which helped her pay for her studio apartment in the gold coast of Chicago.  Although Jenn will tell you that money doesn’t matter to her, she dumped the upper middle class boy she followed for someone with an upper class pedigree.  Unlike the last boyfriend, this one got a job on his own so he could prove to himself he could succeed without his family’s help but the goal was always to go back to his home in St. Louis and take over the family business.  Jenn had every intention of moving to St. Louis if asked.  When her Qeo Larry attacked Benji, the current boyfriend, she took it in stride.  She understood that to Larry, no guy would ever be good enough for her.  It was sweet in a way but it wasn’t like she wanted to be alone.  Benji was everything to her.  He was one of the very few people she had ever met that was smarter than her, he had a good job, he could take care of her and he could rescue her from her extended family that pulled her down.  Qeo Larry had never met him so how could he judge him?  He explained this in his letters.  He claimed that he saw a difference in her.  She seemed broken and insecure and the only thing that changed was Benji.  Jenn talked to her mother every day and knew that her mom told Qeo Larry that Jenn was going through some rough times but had finally gotten through it.  Neither gave Larry the details but her mother, Gissel, intimated that it was over now.  Larry still claimed to see it.  She wrote it off that he’d seen one too many Chick flicks where the hot girl that has everything going for her falls for the only guy that isn’t impressed with her and exploits her insecurities to make her think she has to prove herself and raise herself to him.  Jenn got cat called every day regardless what she was wearing so she was accustomed to male attention.  Benji worried about her.  He was protective over her. She was sure that if they ever met, Qeo Larry would do a 180.  Benji didn’t make her seem inferior; he was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Larry talked to Gissel, Jenn’s mother on occasion.  He knew that Jenn was planning to go to law school and he asked her about it not wanting to bother Jenn.  Gissel said that Jenn hadn’t done as well as she wanted on the LSAT so she wasn’t going.  That was three years ago, and Jenn had yet to take the test over again or try.  She had simply given up for the first time in as long as Larry had known her and Larry had known her since she was six.  The first time Larry was in Chicago, Jenn asked him to come back with his goddaughter, Jenn’s cousin, and his goddaughter’s younger sister.  This was really the first real favor Jenn asked Larry so he really wanted to do it.  He found a weekend and Jenn was very non-committal on confirming if it was okay.  As the date got closer, Benji surprised her with tickets to Florida for the same weekend.  Jenn told Larry to reschedule.  Larry tried to ask her to tell Benji that she couldn’t go but she exclaimed that she had to because he already bought the tickets.  Larry was pretty sure if the situation was reversed and Larry had already bought the tickets to Chicago the rule wouldn’t apply.  He felt he was being punished for respecting Jenn’s wishes and not buying the tickets until she was certain nothing else was going on.  Although he was heartbroken for a while, he came to the conclusion that it was a favor to Jenn so really Jenn ruined something that she wanted.  He couldn’t really be upset.  He tried to reschedule like she told him but then Jenn told him that she didn’t know how she felt about having a three-year-old (the sister) staying with her and hanging out with a three and eight year old.  Larry reminded her that it was what she asked for but forgot about the favor since Jenn called it off.  This may not have bothered Larry if he hadn’t had his best friend’s wife predict this after meeting Jenn once.  Benji really was to blame; he was making her think she was too good for her family.  Although Jenn had come to Cleveland, where she grew up , several times for weddings, birthdays and other family events, Benji always had a reason why he couldn’t come. 

Finally the day was coming when Benji was coming to Cleveland to meet Jenn’s family.  They had been dating two years now and Jenn was convinced this was the one she was going to marry.  Larry had heard that this is typical for 25-28 year olds and Jenn was 25.  What was also typical is they are normally wrong.  Larry had vowed he wouldn’t come to Cleveland that year and Jenn hadn’t really invited him.  He just heard through his friend, Jenn’s actual Aunt that Benji was coming in April.  Jenn’s birthday was April 5 so he assumed it was for that.  She also had a tradition that she would go to opening day for the Indians with her dad, which was right around the time of her birthday every year.  Because of that, Larry assumed it was the beginning of April but he was adamant he wouldn’t go even if invited. 

On the night of April 4, Larry stared at his phone waiting for midnight.  He enjoyed calling people at midnight the night before their birthdays to be the first to wish them happy birthday.  None of his friends were surprised anymore. In fact, they were more surprised if he didn’t call by 12:01.  As Larry was getting older, he would fall asleep before midnight and then wake up frantically calling.  It was humorous the responses he’d get.  One friend he called at 12:17 and she picked up and said, “You’re late.”  Another friend that he’d grown up with, Larry didn’t wake up until 2:30AM.  He contemplated not calling but did anyway to an answer of his friend going, ‘I was beginning to think it was not my birthday because you hadn’t called.”  This is why when Jenn’s phone rang at midnight; she knew exactly who it was without looking.  She picked it up and said coyly “Hello?”

“Happy Birthday” came the response from Qeo Larry.

“Thank You Qeo Larry, you were the first once again”

                After which, Benji, who was right next to her said, “Happy Birthday”

                Benji was a little annoyed.  He wanted to have sex with Jenn but Jenn told him he had to wait till after the phone call.  He already knew that Larry liked to keep her on the phone but Jenn promised she’d cut it short.  He heard Jenn say, “So I took Benji to see the family.”

                “Yea I know I heard.” Larry responded dryly. 

                Jenn always kept a smiling excited voice with her Qeo Larry so she continued, “Please tell me that you’re not in Cleveland lured by this.”

                “No Jenn, I’m not “ wondering if that was a subtle way to tell him that she was disappointed that he wasn’t but Larry never came to Cleveland when Jenn could make it for her birthday so why would this year be any different?  He continued “Between the 1st Wednesday and the 10th are my busiest times at work so I try not to travel during those times.”

                Jenn didn’t want him to come but wouldn’t put it past him. Qeo Larry travelled a lot and took many short pointless trips; coming to Chicago on a Wednesday to take her out to a steak house only to leave the next morning she considered one of them.  She was relieved he wasn’t in Cleveland especially because she wasn’t at her parent’s home but in a hotel for obvious reasons.   She did, however, want him to meet Benji and now that it’s her birthday week, she could charm her way into getting him to come continue their trip to New York to meet him.  She had already told Benji this and he agreed on the condition that she did something in bed she didn’t normally do.  Jenn agreed.  Once Larry met Benji, he would get over his false assumptions about him and see what she saw.  After all, Jenn’s family loved him.  Though the reason she was hesitant for her family to meet him is because they love anyone with money and Jenn loathed them for it.  She knew Qeo Larry came from money so it meant nothing to him.  Still though, Benji wasn’t amazing because he was rich, he was just amazing.  Even if he continued thinking something amiss it didn’t matter.  She didn’t need his approval; she was merely giving him a chance to be a part of her life after she got married.  If he turned it down then he could go fuck himself.  She’d make the effort and go to New York, after that, it was up to Qeo Larry.  What could possibly go wrong?

                Larry hung up the phone ecstatic.  Jenn was coming to New York.  It was going to be April 13-15. He knew it was to meet Benji but he’d do what he did with the last boyfriend, rib him a little bit, threaten to kill him if he hurt Jenn and then basically do nothing.  Larry always thought he would kill for Jenn but she was smart and he didn’t think she’d fall for someone that would require him to kill.  She already was cheated on in high school and Larry didn’t do anything.  The speech he gave to boyfriends was, “If you do something egregious” but he didn’t really know what that was.  He felt men should be able to handle the threats as a part of being men.  Most guys he knew had been threatened by their girlfriend’s fathers or other men in their life.  The last boyfriend took to it well.  A small part of him, though, wanted to believe that when he said he’d do anything for Jenn, he meant it.  He always said that he’d spend the rest of his life in jail for her but he did wish it never came to that.  Larry lived in a small house in Syosset, which is in a forested area in Long Island, New York.  He had a fire pit in his back yard and a hot tub.  There were three bedrooms in the house.  One had six TV’s connected together so he could watch six basketball games at once and if there was only one game on, he could watch it on a huge screen as the picture would be spread across the six screens.  He loved it and reminded himself that this was why he didn’t get married.  Women frown upon man caves such as this.  He picked Benji and Jenn up at JFK and then drove to his house.  He had ordered food and they ate and talked.  When Jenn went to the bathroom, Larry looked at Benji and said, “I know you’ve probably heard this before, but I’m just letting you know that I have no wife, no kids.  The only thing I enjoy is travelling and I’ve seen 39 countries so I’ve done a decent amount for a lifetime.  If you hurt Jenn, I will kill you.  Now, if the spark is gone and you break up with her, I’ll understand.  I’m a reasonable guy, but I mean if you do something egregious….well there’s a lot of flights a day between New York and Chicago.  I’d have no problem going there and killing you.”

                This is the part Larry had trouble imagining.  After 9/11, it was increasingly difficult to book a flight the day of the trip.  He’d probably have to wait a few days and within two weeks, prices skyrocket.  It’s not like he had a time limit.  If anything, the longer he waited the safer Benji may feel if he actually thought he’d carry out the threat, which Larry doubted Benji would believe.  But, considering the time delay and the flight time, and finding Benji, it was also time for Larry to calm down, rationalize, and maybe cooler heads would prevail.  After all, Jenn would most likely be against it and hate him for life.  Yea, he barely believed it himself but he enjoyed saying it.  After dinner, it got late so Larry was going to go to bed.  He pulled Jenn aside and said, “Jenn, I’m not naïve, I know that you probably fuck him like every night but not in my house please.”

                Jenn rolled her eyes, “Obviously Qeo Larry”

                Larry was satisfied and went to bed.  He heard the back door open and he went to his window which overlooked his back yard.  He told himself to stop watching because it would bother him to see them kiss or do anything intimate.  It wouldn’t be immoral or counter what Jenn had told him she wouldn’t do but he didn’t need to watch it.  Something told him to watch though. 

                Benji and Jenn walked outside to get some fresh air.  April is not a warm month in New York but the cold didn’t bother either of them.  The Great Lakes States are much colder than New York so this was fine for them.  Benji said, “Your uncle is pretty nice.”

                Jenn gave him a doubting look and said, “Well I think you’re lying.”

                “No, I mean obviously he threatened me but he’s supposed to.  Other than that, he was polite, we had a good conversation.  I behaved.”

                “Yea, he did too.”

                Benji smiled and put his arm around her and she leaned in and rested her head against his chest.  Jenn said, “Thanks for doing this.  I know my family is kind of intense and jackasses.”

                Jenn was referring to how they enjoy drinking and being loud. Jenn’s mom was Greek and the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding was pretty accurate with the extended family.  Jenn always resented it and hated family parties where her family would be drunk; singing, dancing and acting like jackasses while the non-Greeks were polite and had nice conversations.  When she’d bring friends she would tell them, “The jackasses are my family.”  Qeo Larry was no exception to this.  He justified it to her by saying that the reason why her family acts like that at her parent’s house is because they are comfortable there.  The less you know someone the more on good behavior you are at their home.  Jenn didn’t buy it though.  Benji said, “They’re fine, but don’t worry, I’ll be your prince and rescue you from them soon.”

                Jenn smiled but decided to act like a punk and go, “What does that mean?”

                Benji smiled, “Nothing, but your family does think I’m amazing.”

                Jenn smiled back and said, “Yea, they do”

                Benji kissed Jenn and Jenn kissed back.  Benji pulled away and said, “But, you know if we get married, you’re not going to be calling your mom every day.”

                Jenn stopped smiling and shook her head.  That comment came out of the blue and now she wasn’t faking it, she was a little put off by the comment.  This time she seriously asked, “What does that mean?”

                “Calm down JJ (Jenn’s last name was ‘Jackson’ so Benji and his friends called her “JJ”) you know what I mean.”

                “No, I don’t” as she stepped away a little bit.

                “Well, if we’re married, you have to fully commit to me. I don’t want to have to deal with these mommy breaks.  Break the umbilical cord and be an adult.”

                “Oh please, don’t call me a child; I’m more mature than you.”

                “No, you’re not.  I’m smarter than you, I’m more mature than you and I’m the one that raises the bar for you to reach.  I lift you up.  I’m lifting you up out of a ranch home in Avon, Ohio giving you the life every girl dreams of.  Going to the galas, sitting in the green seats at Cardinals games (1st two rows behind home plate) going to Paris and staying on the Champs Elysee.”

                Jenn lowered her head.  She wasn’t a feminist.  She actually liked a man taking control.  She was raised to serve men as Greek women really devote themselves to their men.  Non-Greeks don’t understand that despite this, the woman is extremely revered and it’s not condescending but when you have to get a beer for your husband every time he asks, American women struggle with realizing that this isn’t subservience and everything the women’s movement fights against.  What they don’t tell you, is that despite all the mainstream media propaganda, most women do want men to take control and are turned on when they take charge and boss them around.  The success of Fifty Shades of Grey should shine some light on that but media always leans left and has no basis in reality.  Still though, these comments bothered her.  “And I provide nothing to this equation?”

                “No, I’m not saying that, God babe, no.”  Benji grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her greenish grey eyes and said, “You’re beautiful, you’re going to be the envy of every guy no matter where we go.  You’re smart; I can have a conversation with you and not want to blow my brains out.  You’re not some blond bimbo, there is substance to you and you’re hot as hell but as we get older, your looks will fade, and my money probably won’t.  My contributions are just longer lasting so if you don’t want me to resent you in the future, you can’t make me second to your family.”

                Jenn had no intention of ever having him second to her family but he was presenting this so wrong.  She loved her parents and her brother.  She didn’t want to never speak to them because her husband was jealous that 100% of her time wasn’t devoted to him.  She shook her head.  She didn’t know what to say so she just said what millennials are trained to say, “That was hurtful.”

                Benji smiled.  He could see what was happening.  JJ was feeling insecure, which means he was going to get lucky tonight.  Although this was a regular thing, when JJ felt insecure, she put a lot of extra energy into sex to overcompensate whatever insecurity he had exploited.  He had her wrapped around his finger.  He grabbed her arms and said, “Come on, let’s go inside, I’m sorry, I love you.”

                Jenn wrapped her arms around him and lowered her head onto his chest.  Benji kissed the top of her head and down her face removing a hand from her back and putting it under her chin lifting it.  He leaned in for a passionate kiss and Jenn turned her head at the last minute and felt his tongue and lips on her cheek.  She said, “We can’t Netflix and chill tonight” using the lingo common with mid-20-year-olds. 

                Benji let go of her and stepped back.  “What?”

                “I promised Qeo Larry that I wouldn’t.”

                “Whatever we’ll be quiet, he’ll never know” As he grabbed her arms again.

                Jenn threw his hands back and stepped back.  “I said ‘no’ Benji, God,”

                Benji’s eyes widened and watched as JJ crossed her arms and glared at him.  He said, “This is what I’m talking about.  Now you see what I mean.”

                “No, Benji, this is his house.  We will probably never be here again.  I’m asking for two fucking days and you act like I’m unreasonable.”

                “You are.  You’re being emotional”

                “No, I’m not, I’m being rational.”

                Benji nodded his head, “Like you would know.”

                “Fuck you Benji, I’m not stupid.  I’m not all emotion like most girls, you should know that.”

                “I do know that, but you’re not more rational than me.”

                Jenn shook her head and gave him a dirty look.  She glanced back at the house and remembered Qeo Larry’s letters.  For the first time she began contemplating if they were right.  She said direly serious, “No more sarcasm, no more being cute, no more being a punk.  I know I do it a lot but I’m dead fucking serious now.  Do you really look at me as some dumb damsel in distress that can’t take care of myself?”

                Benji took a deep breath and said, “No, I’m not saying that, I’m just saying you want to marry up.”

                “Up how? Like I’m a fucking gold digger?”

                “I’m not saying you’re a gold digger but let’s face it JJ, have you ever dated anyone since high school that wasn’t rich?  It’s not a bad thing. Why else do you work so hard on your looks?  Why do you spend so much time with your make up every day?  Why else do you refrain from Dr. Pepper that you love so much and do everything you do to maintain your beauty.  It’s to attract people like me; to make sure that you don’t have to live in a ranch home with four people and one bathroom for the rest of your life.  You want to make sure that your house never has molding on it or things going wrong because you can’t afford someone to come fix it.  You want to go to the bathroom and stay as long as you want without having someone coming in because you have to be considerate.”

                “That one bathroom thing in my parent’s house really bothered you huh?”

                “Yea, and when your mom called your brother to hurry up because I had to go made me feel bad, I had no problem waiting.  I’m just not used to that.”

                “You know when I’m in the shower, Christian (Jenn’s brother) would open the door because it was unlocked to go.  I was behind a curtain so I didn’t mind.” She said rather confrontationally. 

                “That’s what I’m saying babe, you’ll never have to do that again.”

                “Yea, because you’re going to save me from all that right?  I’m so lucky that this poor little girl from the suburbs of Cleveland found a man that lifted her out and bought her nice jewelry and clothes so she could forget about her poor upbringing of a dad that worked his ass off at a bar and her parents who grinded every minute of their lives to give their kids the best possible life they could without college degrees.  Now that I’m married to you, I don’t have to remind myself of them by visiting them or talking to them because I have you right?”


                Jenn was shocked that Benji couldn’t figure out she was mocking him.  She shook her head and said, “Benji, I really need you to sleep on the fucking couch tonight.”

                “What did I say?  Oh God, JJ, I’m just kidding.  Lighten up”

                “I can’t believe you just said that.  Any of this.  I just can’t believe you think that about me.”

                “Think what?”

                “You have no idea what it’s like to have hardship.  Your parents are divorced so all that fucking money didn’t keep them together.  My mom was 17 when she was pregnant with me; 18 when she had me.  My dad is only six months older than her.  If I was in your family, I’d probably be dead because they would have just gotten an abortion.  My parents stayed together.  My parents sucked it up and made it work.  Yours are quitters.”

                Benji took a deep breath and slapped JJ across the face before he even know what he was doing.  He put his hands to his face and said, “Shit sorry, are you okay? As he bent over and put his hand on JJ’s back.”

                Jenn was more emotionally hurt than physically.  She looked up at him in exasperation and confusion.  How could the man she loved so much do that to her?  Suddenly her eyes glanced over his shoulder and she saw something that was about to escalate the situation.

                Larry stood at the window staring at Jenn and Benji.  Every time they kissed, Larry wanted to vomit but he told himself not to stop looking.  He wanted to observe how they interacted when he wasn’t there.  Larry was a poker player and a psychology mJJor so he could read non-verbals decently well.  Still though, it would be better if he could hear what they were saying.  He noticed that the conversation had gone from typical couple of subtle affection and caring to fighting.  Larry knew that just because a couple fights, doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy.  It’s what type of fight they’re having.  Do they still listen to each other?  Love is passion; as is hate and anger so the person you’re with should bring you to all three quicker than anyone you know.  The fact that they were mad at each other didn’t mean anything.  He didn’t like seeing Jenn upset but he was able to let his rational self prevail.  He continued to watch analyzing every gesture, every movement, he tracked their eyes putting all the data in his head to make a conclusion.  That is until he saw a hand go across Jenn’s face and she hit the ground.  Then his mind went blank, there was no longer neurons shooting neurotransmitters into the synapses of his brain to connect to other neurons.  He was on cruise control.  The prevalent thing he was seeing was “black” but he could make out just the shapes needed to not run into a wall and navigate outside and distinguish standing person from crouched person.  He didn’t notice Jenn notice him come outside.  He didn’t notice when Benji turned towards him with his hands up.  If the auditory pathway to his brain wasn’t inhibited he may have heard Benji say, “Whoa man, I didn’t mean to do that, it was an accident.”

                Larry leaned over wrapped his arms around Benji’s legs and hoisted him over his shoulder.  Benji was bigger than Larry but that didn’t seem to matter right now.  Larry walked toward his fire pit and darted his shoulder forward as he pulled Benji’s legs against his chest.  The top half of Benji’s snapped forward and his back slammed against the stone wall around the fire pit.  His back was arched over and Benji couldn’t really move as pain coursed through his body.  Larry grabbed a lighter and put it against Benji’s shirt.  Small flames emerged from the shirt and Larry grabbed a gas can and poured it on Benji and watched as flames rose higher.  He walked into the pit and grabbed Benji’s arms.  He didn’t realize Benji was screaming.  The houses were far enough apart in this area of long island that nobody would hear him scream.  Larry yanked Benji so that his lower back and legs were in the fire pit.  He stepped out of the pit as Benji rolled trying to put out the flames.  Larry grabbed a log and threw it at Benji’s head connecting and Benji stopped rolling.  Larry grabbed two logs and placed them on either side of Benji.  The gas had already been burnt and the fire was decreased.  He pushed the logs forward so they held each other up leaning forward over Benji’s body.  He did the same thing with two more logs putting it over above his head and in between his legs.  He threw some kindling on Benji’s body and lit it putting the gas back on.  The logs directed the flames high and he walked away.  Benji was moaning but it was weaker than it had been before.  He cried out weakly for help and Larry walked toward Jenn.  He said, “I don’t know if he was pretty before but he certainly isn’t anymore.  I’ll leave my phone and a credit card on the table.  I’m going upstairs, I’m not coming back down till the morning, you can use hotel tonight to find a hotel if you like and use the card to get away from me if that’s what you want.  My fate I leave in your hands.”

                Larry wasn’t looking at Jenn when he said this.  He had already walked passed her and was staring at his house with his back to her.  Jenn was looking at the flames in shock.  As Larry spoke, she turned to him and pointed her arm at the flames with an open hand and gave an incredulous look and shook her head.  Larry saw none of this.  She looked back at the flames and then at Larry and smiled.  In a strange way, she was turned on by this. 

                Jenn stared at the flames for a while until the flames died down and then went into the house.  She climbed the stairs to Larry’s room and opened the door.  Larry was fast asleep on his bed.  Jenn rolled her eyes and walked over to him and shook him awake.  Larry woke up pretty quickly and said, “What?”

                “Ummm, you have to get up and get dressed because you can’t leave a dead body in your fire pit”

                Larry nodded his head and got up and put on pants and a T-shirt.  He walked to the fire pit and saw the charred remains of Benji.  He stared at the tarp of his hot tub and decided it would work.  He laid down the tarp and put on gloves.  He dragged the corpse onto the tarp and then wrapped it.  He lifted the tarp wrapped body and carried it over his shoulder and into the garage.  Larry unwrapped the tarp, crumbled it up and threw it to the side.  Jenn was watching intently and Larry said, “Jenn, can you get Benji’s suit case.  Jenn left and emptied Benji’s suit case and brought it to him. 

                While Jenn was gone, Larry grabbed an axe and swung it down at Benji’s neck.  He was surprised how quickly it came off.  Then again, fire does have a way of breaking things down and making them more fragile.  He laid out Benji’s arms and cut at the elbow then the shoulder.  He did the same with the knee and the pelvis.  He cut the midsection into four pieces.  He had always heard on reality shows that people underestimate how much mass a body has and how exhausting it is to chop it up but Larry looked around and decided he was done.  It hadn’t taken too much energy.  He took a pair of pliers and yanked out all of Benji’s teeth placing them into a metal jar.  Jenn watched as he did this sitting on the stair leading to his house unsure what to do.  Larry placed the pieces of Benji’s body into the suitcase and closed it easily.  He wheeled the suitcase out of his garage and placed it in the trunk of his car.  Jenn said, “What are you going to do with it?”

                “Bury it upstate”

                Qeo Larry, it’s going to take a while to dig a hole. We can’t be digging a hole in daylight.  Let’s just keep him in your car.  It’s kind of cold out so that will preserve it a little bit so it won’t smell too bad.  Then at dusk we’ll head out to bury it in the woods away from your house. 

                Larry agreed and went upstairs stripped back to his boxers again and went to bed.  Jenn didn’t go right to bed.  She went into Benji’s phone and booked a hotel on hotel tonight.  She then called an Uber to the hotel from Benji’s phone.  She threw his phone in the parking lot and hoped that the Uber driver had a lot of passengers that night so wouldn’t remember that only a woman got into the car.  This wasn’t too hard to explain away, people call Uber for other people all the time.  She walked down the road for 20 minutes before using her phone to call an Uber back to Larry’s.  When she got back, she lied in bed but didn’t sleep.  Larry slept until past noon, which Jenn knew was odd since he was an early riser.  She tried to occupy herself on her cell phone and social media like she always did.  She went to Larry’s mancave and watched TV.  She wasn’t really paying attention; all she could think about was last night. 

                When Larry woke up, he was shocked to find that it was 1PM.  He got up and took a shower and got ready.  When he got out he saw Jenn in the TV bedroom.  He asked if she wanted something to eat but she said she was fine.  He made himself cereal and ate.  This was going to be a long six hours waiting for night time.  He walked into the TV room and Jenn walked out and said, “I’m going to watch shit on my Ipad”

                Larry only nodded.  He really thought he’d wake up to the police arresting him but Jenn didn’t seem to have called them.  He watched movies and at around 5:00 he called out to Jenn, “Hey, I’m going to get some food, do you want something?”

                “No, I can’t really eat”

                Larry nodded. He called an Uber because the thought of driving with a dead body in his trunk to run errands seemed weird.  He went to a Chipotle and sat and ate there before taking an Uber back.  When he arrived back, Jenn was watching TV.   The sun was setting and it would take over an hour to get between Newburgh and West Point where Larry decided he’d bury the body.  He stood at the door and Jenn said, “It’s dusk”

                “I know, I’m going to head out.  You know mi casa es su casa.  My Ipad has my card and password saved for Grubhub, so you can just order something and they’ll deliver if you get hungry.  Otherwise, call me if you need anything.”

                “One, I’m coming with you. Two, you’re not taking your cell phone because it can’t ping to your location”

                Larry had no sense of direction but still had an after market Garmin in his car when he drove because he needed to see the map.  With the I-watch vibrating when it was time to do something, it was obsolete but he wouldn’t be taking that either.  He took off the watch and plugged his Garmin in and waited for it to load up.  He typed in West Point and decided to just stop short.  Jenn sat in the passenger seat and they took two shovels, logs, marshmallows, gas and hot dogs and a lighter to make it seem like they were having a bon fire if someone asked.  As they were going, Jenn said, “Do me a favor and just don’t say anything while we drive please.”


                Larry could day dream for hours so didn’t need music but he tried to turn the radio on anyway.  Jenn told him to shut it off.  They drove in silence until Larry got to the Tappen Zee Bridge.  He handed Jenn the jar of Benji’s teeth since she was on the water side and said, “Throw this in the river.”  Jenn rolled down her window and tossed it as hard as she could.  The jar fell into the water with a light splash.  They continued to drive in silence till Larry pulled off the highway and went along side streets till he was in a rural area surrounded by woods.  He pulled the car over and took out the suitcase.  Jenn brought the two shovels and they walked far enough into the woods so they couldn’t see the street but still knew how to get back.  It was dark now and they started digging.  Since Benji’s body was in pieces they didn’t need to dig too wide.  When the hole was about knee deep both Jenn and Larry were exhausted.  Jenn had stopped when it was a little more than an ankle deep.  Not eating all day didn’t give her the strength to dig.  Larry kept going and thought it should be deeper but the ground was cold and hard to dig.  He dumped the contents of the suitcase into the hole and buried it.  He walked back to the car in silence.  Bringing the camping equipment was pointless.  They had suitcases and a shovel, who would believe it was a camping trip?  Larry put the suitcase back in the car and started the car and they started driving back.  A short while into it, Jenn broke the silence and said, “You killed a man for slapping me in the face.”

                “Yes, I did” Larry said because he didn’t know what else to say. 

                “I don’t mean to state the obvious.  This whole day, I’ve been trying to figure out why whenever I say that to myself, I feel nothing.  I don’t feel bad for him.  I don’t feel guilty, I feel nothing.  So, I thought if I said it out loud, I’d feel something but I don’t”

                Larry took a deep breath and said, “You didn’t do anything, I did”

                Jenn turned to him and said, “Yea, you killed a man.”


                “Like you burned him alive.”

                “I did do that.”

                “That’s a pretty shitty way to go.”

                The most eerie thing to Larry was Jenn’s tone was matter of fact, almost incredulous but more reflecting.  “ One of the worst I’m told.  Jenn, are you recording this?  Are you trying to get a confession?”

                Jenn glared at Larry and gave him a dirty look which she held for a long time.  Larry turned to her and turned back to the road regretting what he said.  Jenn broke the silence and said, “You don’t get to be afraid of me.”


                “No, I’m fucking serious.  I know how you don’t trust people and that’s fine but you fucking killed someone last night for slapping me in the fucking face.  Then you just go to sleep, leave the fucking body outside to maybe be carried away by an animal or someone may smell it or what not.  You leave me alone in the house to get something to eat.  You don’t even take your car. it’s just me and the evidence.  It’s almost like you wanted to get caught.  I know how you like to test people, but God damn this is a shitty test.  Then you were going to leave me home to come out here to bury the body.  Giving me another opportunity to escape.  Guess what, Qeo Larry, I’m still here.  I’m not asking you to trust me.  I know you don’t trust anybody but you can’t be afraid of me.  Even after what you did, I’ve been alone in your house with you.  I came out to the middle of the fucking woods with you when you have a shovel.  If this were a movie, people would be screaming at the TV that I was an idiot because I’m the only witness to a murder you committed and I’m giving you amble opportunity to get rid of me.  Only, I know you wouldn’t.  I know you did it for me in some sick fucked up way.  I know that even after watching you burn someone alive, I know you would never fucking hurt me.  I have absolutely no fear of you.  So, have some fucking consideration for that and don’t be afraid of me when I’ve done absolutely nothing to make you afraid of me and I definitely have some reasons to be afraid of you but I’m not.  Don’t you dare!”

                Larry nodded his head and said, “Well, I got to say you make some excellent points” and smiled.

                Jenn smiled too, “Yea, I may be blond but I’m not dumb.”

                Larry glared at her and said, “You’re brilliant.”

                “Thank you.” Then let out a huge sigh.

                After a short silence Jenn said, “You know Qeo Larry, I hate saying this because you go around telling people you’re never wrong but you were right about Benji.  I keep replaying our conversation and it wasn’t an anomaly, he always tries to belittle me subtly and make me feel like I’m lucky to have him when it should be equal.  Is it so wrong to want security though?”

                “Of course not.  I know society tries to tell people that money is the root of all evil but there’s nothing wrong with wanting a rich guy.  You just want one that won’t keep you down.  You want one that will love you for you.  Someone that isn’t too insecure to realize that if their wife thrives, it looks good on them too.  There’s a lot of millionaires just like there’s a lot of hot chicks.  The key is to find one that also is a good guy just like good rich guys look for a hot chick that has substance.  I’ve told you before, there’s nobody with a better package than you kid.  You need someone that realizes that and doesn’t look at your strength as a challenge to break.”

                “Yea, you’ve said all that before.  But this time, I think I’m ready to listen.  I think you’re right.  Man, but everyone loved Benji.”

                “Your family?”

                “Yea and my friends….except you.”

                “Yea well, your grandmother raised your mom and her other kids about these contests and the rules.  I never really understood that after what your grandmother did to you and your mother, that she has any credibility what so ever but her and your aunts have this competition on who married the richest guy.  Your mom instilled in you that the only thing that matters is how much money the guy has because that is the single metric that your grandmother judges.  I say fuck her.  She’s a cold hearted woman and her rules don’t matter.  They don’t care how broken you are, as long as the guy your with has money.  Me, no amount of money is worth seeing you broken.”

                “I don’t care what that woman thinks! She abandoned my mom when she had a fucking brain tumor”

                “Your mom raised you with the similar contests and rules she did”

                Jenn pondered this and realized Qeo Larry was right but wasn’t about to admit it.  She just said, “This is going to sound weird, but I really appreciate that you’d do anything to help me.” Larry gave a nervous laugh but didn’t respond.  Jenn continued, “I’m starving, let’s get something to eat.  I haven’t eaten all day.”


 “You know, you could have just stopped after you slammed him on the rock wall.  I mean you threw him down pretty hard.”

                Larry’s grip on the steering tightened and he said, “Yea, I could have.  But I kind of blacked out and the lighter and gas was right there.  I do think that injured him though, which is why he couldn’t really roll with much intensity.”

                “So you agree you overreacted” Jenn’s eyes looked at Larry but her head stayed staring ahead.  She was using her peripheral vision to see his reaction.

                “I don’t think there’s any question I overreacted.”

                “Okay, good….good.  That sign shows a diner at the next exit, we should go there”

                They ate the restaurants and headed back to Larry’s.  They hosed off the tarp and Benji’s suitcase then went back inside.  They stayed up for a while watching a movie and then Jenn said she was tired.  Larry and Jenn both got ready for bed and lied down.  After a little while, Jenn got up from her bed in the guest room and went into Larry’s room.  She noticed him lying facing the other side of the bed rather than the floor.  She pulled up the covers and lied next to Larry turning her back to him.  She reached back and grabbed Larry’s arm and pulled it around her as she snuggled closer to him.  Larry woke up and slid his other arm under her neck as an extension of the pillow and fell back asleep quickly.  Jenn took a deep breath and fell asleep shortly thereafter.  She wasn’t much of a cuddler but it had been an exhausting weekend.

                The next day Larry took Jenn to the airport.  He got out of the car when he dropped her off and gave her a hug.  Jenn leaned in and wrapped her arms around his body letting her legs go limp.  She knew what was coming next. Larry straightened himself and lifted Jenn as she kicked her legs back.  Jenn said, “Thanks for putting me up this weekend, I love you.”

                “I love you too, anytime”

                Larry let Jenn down and they let go.  Jenn took her bag and walked into the airport looking back at Qeo Larry.  She knew it was going to be a while since she saw him again but that’s how their relationship was.  She had already checked in online and wasn’t checking a bag so she just went through security.  She got to the gate and engaged in social media.  Five minutes before boarding, she texted Benji’s phone saying, “Where are you?”

                She contemplated telling Larry to go get Benji’s phone and text back but decided it was too risky.  Right now, she just needed social media to know that she didn’t know Benji was missing.  She was on the plane now and she texted, “We boarded, you better be close or you’ll miss your flight.”

                Larry had thrown all of Benji’s possessions into a dumpster in the city.  When Jenn got back to Chicago, she started texting her friends telling them about a fight she had with Benji and how he left her to go to a hotel.  They all said things along the lines of that he’ll get over It and they’d be fine.  As the days progressed, Jenn felt stronger and stronger.  Eventually, Benji’s friends and parents started to worry.  The family hired a private investigator to find out what happened.  Jenn was questioned but she stuck to her story.  The private investigator did make it to New York but Larry wasn’t too helpful.  He said that he went to bed and when he woke up the next day, Jenn told him Benji went to a hotel because they had a fight.  When asked what the fight was about Larry honestly told him he didn’t know.  That was the first time Larry realized that he never asked Jenn what happened that made him hit her.  To Larry, it didn’t matter.  He was old fashioned, boys don’t hit girls no matter what.  Eventually there was nothing to go on.  The cops found the phone but never the Uber driver to ask who was in their car that night.  Jenn feigned concern well.  Even Benji’s parents didn’t suspect her; they thought something happened at the hotel.  They poured through the security footage at the hotel for Benji but not one camera picked him up.  Nobody noticed a girl in a hat who got out of a car and then walked away from the parking lot; or that girl dropping a cell phone in the bushes in the parking lot right around where the cops found the phone.  Or if they did, they didn’t put together it was Jenn.  The case got cold quick and Jenn stopped talking to Benji’s parents and they stopped calling her.  She was too hard a reminder of their son.  Dealing with the parents was the hardest part for Jenn. 

                Months later, it was Christmas time.  Larry had written his customary Christmas card to Jenn but was shocked to get one in his mailbox from her.  It said,

Dear Qeo Larry,

                I literally don’t remember the last time I hand wrote a letter but I wanted to thank you for our time in New York.  You really made me feel better about myself and snapped me out of a funk I had been in for a very long time.  You have no idea how much your love, friendship and support has meant to me and I’m going to admit that I will always welcome it.  Even if I fight you on itJ.  I don’t know if you’ve heard but I got into law school and I’ll be attending next fall.  I retook the LSAT and did much better.  Merry Christmas and I love you

~Your Queen Jenn

Larry had saved Jenn in his phone as “Queen Jenn” and even bought her a tiara.  He smiled.  It is true that every kind word Jenn said touched him deeply but this card really meant a lot to him.  Before he had no opinion or thoughts about killing Benji, but now, he was proud of it.  With this card, he knew he set Jenn free to strive for her potential.  He put the card in a safe place and called Jenn to thank her for the card and she thanked him back for his.  Their relationship didn’t change much.  They still didn’t speak too often and only saw each other about once a year.  It didn’t take Jenn long to find another rich kid to date.  This one treated her well but after a couple months of dating, she called her Qeo Larry more to see if he picked up on any changes.  She never told him that’s why she was calling for he was good at including it in his biannual cards.  He didn’t bring it up which was all the endorsement Jenn needed.  Neither Jenn nor Larry ever heard about Benji again. 

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