Friday, July 28, 2017

The 2n worst day of my life


                How unique the day I just had today, the day I deem the second worst day of my life.  There were bad days in the past but I have decided this to be the second worst. Obviously the day in which I buried my grandfather and found out my best friend died was the worst day.  Today though, I met my parents for breakfast.  I just talked to Kera, who thinks she figured out why my day was bad because she thinks I spent it with my parents.  That is no where near that case.  My dad left after breakfast, and he’s the one I don’t’ get along with.  Going shopping with my mom is something I expected, sure it sucks, but I was used to it.  No, the thing that made today so bad is that I asked to go shopping.  I gave up; I threw in the towel to fashion.  Today is the day I decided to conform, something I have been fighting for the vast majority of my life.  Nobody can understand my pain, not even Kera.  Everyone thinks I should be happy that now I’m going to look nice, and I’ll have more confidence because I look nice, but that won’t be the case.  I hate myself for what I did.  I just couldn’t take being an 18-year-old virgin, I got desperate, that’s why I did it.  Desperation, now I’m sitting here with the an arch nemesis of mine named Kenneth Cole and Polo Ralph Lauren.  I plan on telling Kera this at her play on next Friday.  That way, she’ll see my conformity, then I’ll have to explain that I’m not just dressed up for this specific occasion but I’m dressed up because this is how I dress now.  I can’t help but to think I lost the argument to Hristina, Kwsta, and Johnnie, but I didn’t do this for them.  I did this for me, it was a desperate attempt, I realized today why I love being away from my family.  My parents picked up right where they left off, talking about fat flush and trying to get me to eat healthy.  That’s fine, like I said my dad left early.  With me, we were relatively quick given the amount of clothes I got, my mom shopped longer than me but didn’t buy anything.  Shopping is something I always hated, but this time I gave in to the bullshit.  I gave in to society, I lost the war and I reached the lowest point I have ever hit.  I know this nice clothes thing will fail in getting girls.  IT isn’t the clothes, it’s me, I know this but I just got desperate, and figured it can’t hurt.  The only rational I’ve been able to come up with was “If I truly don’t care what I wear, than I won’t mind wearing nice clothing.”  It is a rational argument.  One that should make me feel better, but it doesn’t because I can’t get out of my head the fact that I conformed today October 12, 2002.  That disgusts me, that disgusts me worse than if I smoked a cigarette.  Some say I’m overreacting, but that person does not understand me.  They don’t understand my morale, and they don’t’ understand my depression.  If they can’t understand how can they help me.  They can’t, they won’t.  That’s why I’m all alone, to lament in my own misery because it is a concept that nobody can fathom. Why would anyone be miserable because he wears nice clothing and if he is, why doesn’t he just stop.  I can’t stop because my mom spent $1100 on this shit today, and I feel bad.  I can’t stop because I’ve hit an all time low that I will not recover from.  This is like a cigarette to me, I’m addicted, I want to stop but I can’t.  Except it’s a sense of feeling bad toward my mother.  Another argument I can say to myself, is that I needed winter clothing, all my clothes were T-shirts and I only had a couple sweatshirts that were all NYU and sweaters that make me look like I’m in a country club anyway.  That argument doesn’t even make rational sense to me though.  If that’s all I wanted, I would have bought more sweatshirts that I’m accustomed to wearing, or just the leather jacket.  One of the few things I bought today that isn’t evidence of my conformity.  The jeans are also not evident of my conformity, because I never had a problem with jeans or leather jackets.  I actually preferred leather jackets because they’re warmer thus it’s practical.  But the two button down Kenneth Cole shirts is conformity.  The four Polo shirts I bought is conformity.  Thus only six items today was a result of my conformity.  Only six?  That’s a lot of items to me.  The sad thing is I will wear them, so even if these clothing lead to good, and get me laid before Thanksgiving (when I’m going to let Joe hook me up with a random girl to fuck) this day is still a bad day because I did it by not being me.  Not being me?  That isn’t rational either, though I change the outside, the inside core has not budged in inch.  My personality is the same, it won’t change because it can’t change.  So why do I feel it is?  I don’t know, one of my conspiracies I guess.  Based on these reasons, today is the second worst day of my life. 

Friday, July 21, 2017


                What is wrong with people today?  I am writing this six days after I came up with these thoughts.  Why am I writing it now then?  I don’t know I just felt motivated.  On September 11, 2002, Kellie came up to visit me in New York.  She wanted to go to the various September 11 remembrances going on that day.  She asked for a place to stay, which I told her I could provide.  She, however, didn’t spend the night here, but just dropped her stuff off before and after checking into the hotel with her brother.  We took the subway to ground zero and that’s where I saw how pathetic society is.  People were disobeying cops, trying to sneak their way closer to the ground zero site.  Cops were forced to put up steel barricades in an attempt to control the flow of people.  Eventually they did push through.  Kellie took pictures of anything and everything with an American flag and bearing words similar to “We will always remember and honor those who perished in September 11, 2001”

                In addition to the sea of humanity shoving it’s way to get a better picture of ground zero, there were other individuals climbing and standing on the ledge of a church so they could get a picture of ground zero without the chain link fence in the way.  All this climbing and pushing just for a damn picture got me thinking.  Do these people realize that this was a bad day?  Thousands of people died, two landmarks and close to a dozen other buildings were destroyed because of this day and they just care about a picture.

                If there is so much respect for the NYPD and NYFD then why did they disobey the order of the NYPD to move back?  As I looked around at the various people in their ongoing quest for a photo, I noticed that it didn’t appear that any of these people were New Yorkers.  That’s strange, isn’t it?  New Yorkers were the most affected by this, they had to smell the smoke for a couple days and some witnessed the towers collapse.  Why are they not going down to ground zero when people are coming from different states to see it?  The answer lays in my explanation on why they would it’s because they saw what happened.  They know it was a bad day and not some publicity stunt or an excuse to get a picture.   

                After Kellie was worn out by pictures (she got close and some ones that she was extremely happy with) we were sitting at lunch and she said to me, “God, I wish I was a family member of one of the victim’s so I could go inside ground zero.”

                This time I expressed my disgust in a shocked smile expression and said, “That is so wrong”

                She goes, “yea, that’s bad, maybe just a friend of the family.”

                “That is still bad”

                “Yea” she said with a sigh.

                Honestly I think she wanted to be inside by these means she was just reacting to my lack of approval of it.  I told her straight up, “I’m glad that I don’t know anybody that died in September 11.”

                I remember the terror I had, because I was unsure how close LaGuardia (Vicki’s school) was to the towers.  I found out it is quite a distance away but I spent the entire day trying to get a hold of her, and I didn’t talk to her until 9:00PM over 12 hours after the first plane hit because cell phones weren’t working because all the smoke blocked any signal. 

America needs to start looking at things not optimistically but realistically, September 11, was a bad day, probably the worst day in history and there are talks about making it a holiday.  What the fuck are we celebrating? Death? Devastation to our economy temporarily? Destruction of two extremely well known land marks?  Tell me what we have to celebrate.  I only focus on the towers.  Hell, if this is a holiday, we also celebrate the destruction of our center of defense, the pentagon.  Is December 7 a holiday? No, why? It was a bad day, a state was bombed, many people died, we were lured into World War II.  It wasn’t a good day, so we don’t turn it into an excuse to go to the mall for a holiday sale.  Some may argue that we should celebrate the unifying of America.  Post-September 11, People put up flags on their cars and houses, flags on flagpoles were lowered to half post as a sign of respect.  People became nicer, so is that a reason to celebrate?  I still say no, if you asked people before 9/11 what they thought of America they would have told you it was the best country in the world.  Hell, on September 10th, we wrote in a journal in English class why we believed America was the greatest country in the world.  One kid disagreed with that assessment because he was from Poland.  A person had patriotism before then, just because they don’t have a flag on their car or house, doesn’t mean they’re not proud to be an American.  Now people show it.  Well, in actuality, people have begun to take the flags off their cars and houses.  Whether they fell off or whatever, you see less and less of them.  Flags are back to full post.  Thus, it was only a temporary sign, but once again, most Americans still love America.  Thus, we don’t need a holiday celebrating the day when we became patriotic because it isn’t September 11. Americans have loved America since this country was called America.  Things haven’t changed, we already celebrate our patriotism, it’s called the Fourth of July or Independence Day. 

People need to stop making jokes of tragedies as their defense mechanism.  Remember those who perished in any way you can, don’t turn it into a tourist attraction.  Some may say that, people take pictures of ruins all the time.  The Parthenon, Roman forum, Coliseum, etc.  Why is that different?  Those are ancient landmarks.  The fact that some of those things are still in existence is remarkable, that’s history.  In a couple decades when kids inquire what happened because they were too young or not born yet then they can be told and shown ground zero.  When the time is appropriate, it won’t be as big as a circus as it is now.  Maybe I’m overreacting, but I mourn September 11. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Smoker's Revenge

                It is August 31, 2002, in New York.  The sun shines warming the city to 77 degrees.  Kera Olympus took the subway from her home in Brooklyn to Manhattan to visit her cousin Larry Rozos.  She had run out of cigarettes and wanted Larry to buy them for her since he was 18, and legally able to.  When she neared Larry’s dormitory she called him.  Larry picked up the phone and said hello.  She mentioned she was in the area and coming down.  Larry hung up the phone and took the elevator to the lobby to meet Kera.  Upon seeing him Kera said, “Hey, can you get me some stoges?”


“What do you mean no?”

“Kera, I want you to quit so I’m not going to help you get them anymore, I don’t mind if you smoke around me, but I’m not buying them for you anymore.”

Kera continued to argue with Larry to no avail.   Finally she dropped it and just hung out with Larry suppressing her anger.  Upon her return she picked up a phone and dialed her friend Johnathan’s number.  Johnathan is a gang leader and very skilled in fighting.  He picked up the phone and answered, “hello”

“Yo Johnathan it’s Kera, I need you to do me a favor?”

“What’s that?”

“To beat up this kid”

“Who is he and why?”

“His name is Larry and he’s a college student at NYU.”

Johnathan remembered hearing this name before as Kera’s cousin so he asked, “Isn’t this your cuz?”


“What did he do?”

“He won’t get me stoges.”

“You want me to whip his ass for that?”


“Kera, calm down, you’re taking this way too personally.”

After more negotiation, Kera convinced Johnathan to do her this favor.  He went down to NYU with Kera, once again Kera called him and asked to hang out some more, but this time she specified a place to meet her and how to get there since Larry didn’t know the city too well.  Larry found the place without getting lost and saw Kera with a Puerto Rican guy.  The place was an alley, and Larry had an idea that something wasn’t right.  When Kera’s eyes pierced Larry, she dropped her head.  Guilt overwhelmed her body, but she would not mutter for Johnathan to not carry through.  Johnathan initiated the conversation and said, “What the fuck is up with you, you won’t buy this chick stoges?”

“She’s my cousin, I’m worried about her.”

“Why don’t you let her deal with that?”

“Because I know that if she loses her singing voice she will be a helluva lot more depressed than she is now.”

“How are you the fucking expert?”

“I know her, and I’m her older cousin, I’m supposed to look out for her.”

“What if I fuck you up for it?”

“Interesting question considering I was lured to an alley by my sweet innocent cousin to meet someone who I know loves to fight and is the leader of a gang.”

Johnathan walked toward Larry until his eyes approached two inches from Larry’s.  He asked, “You have two options, one, you walk away and buy this chick stoges, or two, we dance, you be knowin my rep.”

“You don’t scare me, I watched my best friend and my grandfather die of cancer, my grandfather had it because he smoked, I’m not going to help her put me in that same situation or have her go through it, and since she is so fucking addicted to that shit, that she has to call her top dog to get revenge for her, I guess I have no choice but to dance.”

Johnathan’s mind raced to find more ways to avoid the fight.  He didn’t want to fight Larry, but Larry showed no fear and was willing to defend his views.  Kera’s head dropped even lower for even she realized how pathetic calling someone to physically injure her cousin just because he wouldn’t get her some cigarettes was, but her guilt slammed her lips tight.  Larry stared into Johnathan’s eyes as anger filled his, anger that Kera lured him to the alley to fight Johnathan, angry that Johnathan was going through with it, angry at the cigarettes for hurting his cousin in that way.  He knew Johnathan was hesitant and he looked to use that as an advantage early on.  Johnathan shoved Larry to try to further intimidate him; Larry twisted his body and punched Johnathan squarely in the nose.  Johnathan took a few steps back in surprise holding his nose as water accumulated in his eyes.  Larry ran forward, jumped up and drove his knee into Johnathan’s solar plexus causing him to bend down.  He wrapped his right arm around Johnathan’s head and pushed it into his left knee.  After Johnathan’s face collided twice with Larry’s knees, he wrapped his arms around Larry’s standing legs and lifted him up.  He fell back slamming the back of Larry’s neck and head on the pavement.  Johnathan had no desire to negotiate anymore, now he was mad at Larry for gaining the upper hand.  He charged at Larry, Larry bent over and as Johnathan approached he wrapped his arms around his legs while thrusting upwards, which catapulted Johnathan seven feet in the air and crashing down on his back.  Blood dripped from Johnathan’s nose and matriculated on the back of his head.  Johnathan rose to his feet and faced Larry, his eyes pierced Larry’s and the hesitation that once filled his eyes vanished.  He walked to Larry, Larry bent his knees anticipating Johnathan’s approach.  He threw his right arm directly for Johnathan’s nose, Johnathan darted his head to the side and Larry’s arm halted over his shoulder.  Johnathan brought his arm under and punched Larry in the stomach, Larry bent down grasping his midsection.  Johnathan grabbed him by the arm and threw him into a brick building.  When Larry collided, Johnathan punched him repeatedly in the kidneys.  Johnathan then tossed Larry on his back and straddled him.  His clenched fists darted toward Larry’s face bloodying it.  Larry moved his head to the side and Johnathan hit the ground with his punch and rolled off Larry holding his wrist.  The encounter with the asphalt cut Johnathan’s four knuckles.  He rose ignoring the pain; Larry stumbled to his feet only to be punched to the ground by Johnathan.  Larry pushed himself up on all fours, his face dripping blood; Johnathan stomped on Larry’s back flattening him.  He then stomped at Larry’s back repeatedly.  Larry rolled out of the way and got to his feet.  Johnathan neared Larry and, out of desperation, Larry threw a weak right hand toward Johnathan’s face.  Johnathan grabbed the arm and yanked Larry toward him driving his knee into Larry’s stomach.  Johnathan took two steps back and ran forward kicking Larry squarely in the face knocking him to the ground again.  Crimson blood covered all of Larry’s face, Johnathan grabbed him by the hair and lured him to his feet.  He punched him in the stomach causing him to bend over.  Johnathan then grabbed a piece of wood lying on the ground.  He brandished the wood as he approached Larry and crashed it against his back forcing him to the ground.  Johnathan then swung the wood around and slammed it onto Larry’s legs.  Once again he lifted Larry to his feet and threw his face into a brick wall.  Larry threw his elbow back in desperation nailing Johnathan in the solar plexus.  He grabbed Johnathan by the hair and drilled it into the wall.  He positioned his left leg behind Johnathan’s legs and shoved him back with his right hand tripping him to the floor.  Larry turned around and his eyes pierced Kera’s.  Kera stared back with terror, guilt, and distress.  Regret overwhelmed her body, but terror halted her from trying to stop Johnathan’s rage.  Johnathan got up and walked toward Larry, he swung his right arm at Larry’s face; Larry ducked under it as Johnathan’s momentum turned him around.  Larry shoved him into the wall and repeatedly struck his kidneys with his fists.  Johnathan threw his arm back to try to hit Larry.  Larry grabbed the arm bent him forward and kicked him in the face.  Once again he locked him in the headlock and slammed his face repeatedly into his knee.  Johnathan wrapped his arms around Larry’s legs and lifted trying to get Larry’s leg off the ground.  Larry’s right leg bent keeping it firmer on the ground while his left leg continued the onslaught on Johnathan’s face.  Johnathan shoved Larry off him and lifted his upper body up showing a crimson face as well.  Larry sprinted at him and drove his shoulder into this solar plexus and chopped at the back of his knees tackling him onto his back.  Larry rose to his knees and drilled his fists into Johnathan’s face.  He then stood up and stomped at Johnathan’s chest, thighs, stomach and solar plexus.  Johnathan rolled out of the way and lifted his body to his feet.  Larry and Johnathan walked toward each other both their eyes stubbornly locked on each other’s.  Johnathan swung his right arm nailing Larry in the side of the face, Larry’s body twisted right but did not fall, he then swung his body back left with his clenched fists colliding with Johnathan’s skull.  Larry’s knuckles tore open for he did not know how to punch so that he didn’t hurt his hand.  Johnathan stumbled but quickly recovered to throw another punch, it collided with Larry’s head but once again Larry came back with a punch of his own. He then brought his left hand and drilled Johnathan in the stomach.  He wrapped his arm over Johnathan’s head and pressed it against his waist.  He fell back slamming his head into the asphalt.  Larry got to his feet only to see Johnathan stirring to his as well.  He dashed forward and drove his knee into Johnathan’s side knocking him back over.  Johnathan rose on all fours.  Larry jumped up and landed on Johnathan flattening him again.  Larry rolled off but Johnathan rolled with him and drilled his elbow into Larry’s stomach.  He then shot his fist up and connected with his face.  He and Larry rose to their feet at the same time.  Johnathan grabbed Larry by the hair and slammed it against the brick wall with all his force.  Larry bounced off the wall and took three steps back but remained on his feet; he turned around and landed a punch on a charging Johnathan.  Johnathan landed on the wood he used to whip Larry with.  He grasped it in his hands and lunged it upward nailing Larry in the stomach.  He then got up and crashed it across Larry’s face.  Larry smacked the ground as he fell and Johnathan threw the wood to the side thinking Larry was unconscious.  Larry, however, pushed himself back up and faced Johnathan.  The slight hesitation due to surprise, handed over enough time for Larry to drill his shoulder into Johnathan’s stomach and drive him into the wall.  Larry lunged his fists directly at Johnathan’s face causing it to ricochet off the wall.  He pulled Johnathan toward him and turned him around.  He then repeatedly slammed his face into the brick wall.  Johnathan fell back into Larry’s arms.  Larry put Johnathan’s head under his right armpit and wrapped his arms around his waist.  Using all his adrenaline, Larry hoisted Johnathan to his shoulders parallel to the ground.  Once he was up there, Larry took two steps back to retrieve his balance.  He dashed forward forcing Johnathan’s face to collide into the brick wall and slide out from Larry’s grasp as Larry continued his momentum to the wall.  Johnathan lied on his stomach unconscious.  Larry collapsed from exhaustion once Johnathan fell.  He sat leaned against the wall, and then he pushed Johnathan to his back so he could see his face.  Johnathan’s eyes had glazed over indicating Larry had won the fight.  Larry panted against the wall. 

Kera approached Larry with trepidation; Larry stared back with hurt and love in his eyes.  He couldn’t hate Kera even after what she put him through.  She mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.”

Larry was too exhausted to speak.  Kera realized that the adrenaline was fading and Larry did not have the strength to stand up.  She lowered her hand down to him.  Larry took it and did his best to help Kera help him up.  Once he rose his body fell forward hugging Kera.  Kera didn’t fall but she wondered how she was going to help him back.  She helped Larry to a bench to sit down and recover his breath.  After a little while, Johnathan stirred and tried getting to his feet.  Kera went over and helped him up; Larry rose to his feet to face Johnathan.  He knew the fight was over; Johnathan approached Larry and hugged him.  Both men used each other to remain erect.  Johnathan said, “Good fight.”

“Yea, you too”

“I know how much she means to you now.”

“Yea, you were at a disadvantage, I was mad at you for taking her away from me, and mad at her for calling you up.  You were just doing a favor.”

“I’m glad you understand that, you ever need back up you give me a call.”
                “I doubt you ever will need back up because you’re in a gang, but same goes to you.”

Johnathan and Larry both helped each other to the bench.  Their strength was returning but they still didn’t want to walk just yet.  Johnathan called his friend Vlad to help him home.  When he got off the phone he told Kera she and Larry could leave him there.  Kera once again helped Larry to his feet and put his arm around her neck to help him home.  They went to a restaurant and got some napkins.  The cuts had stopped bleeding now it was time to wipe the blood off.  When Kera got all the excess blood off, they walked to Larry’s dorm.  Larry could now walk on his own; he signed Kera in and went up to his room with her.  They went into Larry’s room and Kera sat him down on the bed and said, “Larry I’m so sorry for what happened today.”

“Kera, thank you for helping me home.”

“You have to be pissed off; I just called the best fighter I know to kick your ass.”

“I won didn’t I?”

“I can’t believe you aren’t mad, after what you just went through.”

“Kera, who do you think hurt me the most today?”

Kera was taken back by this question because she knew the answer, “Me”

“That’s right but now we’re friends again, and you won’t ask me for cigarettes, right?”

“Yea, but I still feel bad.”

“Well don’t, your friendship is what’s important to me.”

“Larry, in order for you to be able to beat Johnathan, you must genuinely care about me.”

“Unfortunately this is what it took for you to figure it out.”

Kera stopped talking and helped Larry into the bathroom to put rubbing alcohol on Larry’s cuts.  Then Larry went down, signed Kera out and returned to his room to sleep.  Vlad came about 20 minutes after the phone call and helped Johnathan home.  Larry and Kera remained close and no hard feeling came between Johnathan and Larry, they weren’t friends, but they did have a mutual respect for each other. 


Monday, July 10, 2017

Bad Boyfriend

                It was a rainy day on June 3, 2002.  Olga Alexos got a ride from her mother to her school.  She lived in North Royalton, Ohio but her school was in Rocky River, this made the car trip approximately a half-hour.  She was 5’5” extremely skinny with curly black hair dropping below her shoulders.  Like most people in her school she awaited the end of the year where she would graduate to a junior.  Finally she got home from school and got a call from her boyfriend Arty.  He was about 6’ tall, medium built with short light brown hair.  Olga was extremely happy to receive his phone call.  He had just recently got his driving license, something that Olga has had since November, and wanted to drive Olga around.  She readily agreed. 

                Arty picked her up from her house at 9:30pm.  Olga stealthily dressed herself to go out.  Olga eyes pierced the car and she walked out of her house toward it.  She kissed Arty hello on the cheek and he backed out.  He drove around talking to her about school and stuff.  Then they stopped in the Metroparks and parked their car. His and Olga’s relationship hadn’t been too physical so Olga was kind of suspicious why they were there.  He said to her, “We’ve been going out for a few months, I think it’s time we have sex.”

                “Arty you know what I feel about that”

                “I don’t give a shit about your ex-boyfriend, that shouldn’t stand in the way of me, he’s gone.”

                “I don’t want to”

                Arty already had the car in park, with the engine and headlights turned off.  He leaned his body on top of Olga and put the seat down.  Olga struggled to get free but Arty was a lot stronger than she was.  He slipped his arms under her shirt and caressed her breasts over her bra.

                Larry had been out of school for two weeks; he just had commencement the day before.  At 9:30 he got bored and got in his car and headed toward the Metroparks. He chose this because it was a good place to drive aimlessly because there were very few lights and unlike a highway, if driven on for a while, someone won’t end up in a different state or some town far from their place of residence.  While he was driving with the windows down, he heard a scream coming from a parking place on the side.  He pulled into it to find out what it was.  He heard the scream again from a car in there, he walked up to the car and pulled on the door, but it was locked.  He entered his car again, and had the front of it facing the side of the car, he then flashed his brights on and walked to the car.  He saw Arty on top of Olga, at first he thought it was a mistake to do that because he and Olga were friends and he knew she was going out with Arty so this appeared normal to him.  With the brights temporarily stunning Arty, Olga unlocked the door and exited running to Larry and giving him a hug.  Now Larry was extremely confused, Arty got out of the car and said, “You better back the fuck up man, that’s my girl you have wrapped in your arms.”

                “Well from the looks of the situation on how fast she got out of her car and the screaming from it, it appears like you were trying to rape your girl.”

                “Mind your own business.”

                “She’s my friend, this is my business bitch.”

                Olga let go of Larry, for she knew that a fight was imminent.  Arty said, “Well then I’ll kick your ass then rape her.”

                “Bring it.”

                Arty charged at Larry but he ducked and as he approached, wrapped his arms around his legs and snapped his upper body up catapulting Arty over his shoulders and on to the concrete.  Arty slowly pushed himself to his feet and faced Larry.  Larry ran at him and drove his shoulder into his solar plexus and tackled him to the ground.  Larry punched down at his face, Arty moved his head and Larry nailed the ground.  Arty ran toward the woods to find a weapon for Larry.  Larry chased quickly after him, Arty bent down and picked up a log and swung it across nailing Larry in the head.  Larry collapsed to the ground and Arty straddled him and punched away at his face bloodying it more.  The log shot cut the side of Larry’s face.  Larry moved his head and Arty nailed the ground and got up.  Larry warily stood up blood coming down his face.  Arty had blood on his face from the punches as well but not nearly as much as Larry.  Arty picked up the log and drilled it into the back of Larry’s head.  He then slammed it down on his kidneys.  He stomped at Larry’s back repeatedly and then helped Larry to his feet.  He gripped his hair and jammed his face into a tree.  He pulled his head back and thrusted it into the tree repeatedly; Larry’s nose broke and was relieved when Arty threw him to the ground.  Arty was thoroughly enjoying beating on Larry since he tried to stop him and his girlfriend from having sex.  He picked up the log and chucked it down nailing the back of Larry’s head.  Larry’s head was crimson; he had cuts on the side of his head, his face, and the back.  Arty walked away to finish the job raping Olga.  Larry stirred while Arty was walking away and slowly made his way to his feet.  This wasn’t about protecting Olga now; it was payback for using a weapon on him.  Arty approached the cement and Larry ran toward him, he caught up with Arty and dove into his hamstrings tripping him back to the ground.  Larry stomped at his chest repeatedly, Olga had seen the entire fight from a distance and was shocked that Larry was still fighting.  Arty rolled to his feet and stared back at Larry, his eyes widening in utter terror and shock.  Larry walked up to him and punched him in the stomach.  He put Arty in a headlock and jammed his head into his knees.  He only connected on it once, because Arty grabbed Larry’s leg and shoved him back to the ground.  Larry shot back up, bent his knees in anticipation for Arty to come back at him.  The two boys circled around each other, Larry’s adrenaline pumping faster than his heart.  Larry darted forward, Arty moved out of the way and Larry drilled the hood of Arty’s car.  Arty grabbed Larry’s head and slammed it toward the hood of his car; Larry put out his arms and avoided the momentum.  He then threw his elbow back nailing Arty in the solar plexus causing him to bend over.  Larry then grabbed a fistful of hair, yanked back and slammed Arty’s face into the car hood.  He drove his face into the car multiple times and then threw him back.  Larry climbed to the top of the car and jumped off leading with his knees to jam into his chest.  Arty rolled out of the way and Larry’s knees crashed with the asphalt.  Both men stirred, Arty got to his feet first and put Larry’s head in between his legs.  He reached around and interlocked his hands at Larry’s chest, but Larry wrapped his arms around his legs and lifted up.  Arty released his grip on his hands and now was bent over Larry’s shoulder.  Larry ran forward and pulled Arty’s legs toward him while thrusting his shoulder forward snapping Arty’s upper body to the ground.  This cut open the back of Arty’s head Larry then jumped in between Arty’s legs and landed knees first on his solar plexus.  Arty rolled coughing as the wind completely left his body.  Larry helped him to a bent over position and put his head in between his legs.  He reached around his back and interlocked his hands at his chest.  He lifted up trying to get Arty to his shoulders.  Arty’s legs bent over Larry’s shoulders but he struggled to get his upper body to sit up.  Finally Larry lost the strength and shifted his momentum forward when Arty’s head was at his stomach.  Arty collided with the asphalt on the back of his head and neck with his legs snapping over him.  Even though Larry could not get Arty fully up, the blow still knocked Arty unconscious.  Larry picked him up and offered to Olga to slap him.  Olga walked up and said, “Arty, were through, I’m breaking up with you, and no I don’t want to be friends,” as she slapped him across the face knocking him back to the ground.  Larry knelt down and took off Arty’s shirt; he then put it behind his head so he wouldn’t get blood on his car when sitting down. 

He gave the keys to Olga and Olga drove to her house.  She invited Larry in to clean him up.  Larry accepted the invitation and got out of the car.  He was too weak to walk on his own now since his adrenaline had ceased pumping.  Olga put his arm around her shoulder and walked him into her house and to the bathroom.  She lied him on the ground, got a napkin and wiped off the blood from Larry’s face.  His cuts closed already so Olga did not have much to do.  She wiped the blood off then applied rubbing alcohol to further clean the cuts.  They went into the kitchen with Larry regaining strength but still out of it.  He didn’t want to drive home.  It was now 11:40PM.  Olga jumped up and sat on the counter to talk to Larry.  She then gazed at him in a way she never had before.  He grabbed Larry's arm and yanked him toward her; Larry came toward her and found that he entered right between Olga’s legs, which Olga had wrapped around him.  She bent her head back and kissed him on the lips.  Larry tilted his head and they French kissed now.  They made out for a little bit and then he carried her to the couch.  While making out they both slipped their hands under each other’s shirts and pulled them off each other.  Larry leaned down and unbuttoned followed by unzipped Olga’s pants and pulled them off her taking her socks with them.  Olga was wearing a thong and a bra now.  She turned Larry over and then undid his pants and pulled them off with his socks as well.  Larry now only had his boxers on.  She lied on top of Larry, and Larry turned her over so he was on top, a position that Olga preferred.  They made out, while Larry caressed her breasts over her bra.  He moved his head down and kissed Olga’s neck, then further down and placed it all over Olga’s breasts over her bra.  He reached around and undid her bra and rubbed, squeezed and sucked on her bare breasts.  He rolled to the side and dropped his right arm to rubbing Olga’s groin over her thong.  Olga moved her hand down and rubbed Larry’s genitalia.  Larry’s mouth French kissed Olga repeatedly.  Larry then put his hands inside her thong and rubbed her vagina, Olga followed suit and put her hand inside Larry’s boxers and felt his genitalia.  After rubbing a bit, Larry put three fingers inside Olga’s vagina and rubbed in there.  He found the g-spot and tickled that as Olga moaned in pleasure and stroked Larry’s penis harder.  Then Larry dropped his head, and pulled Olga’s thong to her ankles, which Olga slipped them off her.  Larry wrapped Olga’s legs around his head and he licked around Olga’s vagina sticking it in a couple times as well.  Olga whispered, “Stop”

Larry immediately stopped, Olga said, “Let’s go downstairs so my parents don’t hear us.  They walked down to the basement, Larry in his boxers, Olga naked.  They lied down on the couch in the basement and Olga wrapped her legs around Larry’s head once again.  Larry continued to lick as he did before sticking it in her vagina occasionally.  Olga moaned loudly now, Larry understood why they moved down to the basement now.  Olga’s legs tightened around his head trapping it, forcing Larry to continue to lick.  She used her leg strength to turn Larry around and bent her knees on either side of his face.  Now gravity forced her vagina closer to Larry’s face and trapping his head in between the smooth tan shaven legs of Olga.  Larry licked faster and more forcibly now until Olga gave out a loud yell as she achieved orgasm. 

She loosened her grip on Larry’s head and moved her body down.  She pulled Larry’s boxers off and then rubbed his penis to make it more erect.  Once it was, she leaned her head down and placed it in her mouth.  She sucked on it vigorously forcing it deeper and shallower in her throat.  She took it out and licked the head of it.  She then pushed it aside and licked Larry’s scrotum.  She repeated this cycle a couple times until Larry ejaculated, causing her to run to the bathroom to wash the semen from her mouth. 

She came back and lied next to Larry cuddled in his arms.  She fell asleep, and Larry gently nudged her off him.  Put his boxers on then went upstairs.  He dressed himself and took all Olga’s clothes and brought them to the basement.  She pulled covers over her and left the house.  He drove home and slept in his bed wondering if Olga would be able to wake up for school the next day.  Larry had graduated the day before and his classes ended two weeks prior for him.  Olga woke up in time for school and got dressed.  Her mom took her to school as normal without suspecting anything.  Olga and Larry never talked about what happened that night, nor did they continue doing anything sexual in nature.  Both understood it was a one-time thing given the situation.  They remained plutonic friends and the atmosphere around them was never uncomfortable. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bad Boyfriend


                It was a rainy day on June 3, 2002.  Olga Alexos got a ride from her mother to her school.  She lived in North Royalton, Ohio but her school was in Rocky River, this made the car trip approximately a half-hour.  She was 5’5” extremely skinny with curly black hair dropping below her shoulders.  Like most people in her school she awaited the end of the year where she would graduate to a junior.  Finally she got home from school and got a call from her boyfriend Arty.  He was about 6’ tall, medium built with short light brown hair.  Olga was extremely happy to receive his phone call.  He had just recently got his driving license, something that Olga has had since November, and wanted to drive Olga around.  She readily agreed. 

                Arty picked her up from her house at 9:30pm.  Olga stealthily dressed herself to go out.  Olga eyes pierced the car and she walked out of her house toward it.  She kissed Arty hello on the cheek and he backed out.  He drove around talking to her about school and stuff.  Then they stopped in the Metroparks and parked their car. His and Olga’s relationship hadn’t been too physical so Olga was kind of suspicious why they were there.  He said to her, “We’ve been going out for a few months, I think it’s time we have sex.”

                “Arty you know what I feel about that”

                “I don’t give a shit about your ex-boyfriend, that shouldn’t stand in the way of me, he’s gone.”

                “I don’t want to”

                Arty already had the car in park, with the engine and headlights turned off.  He leaned his body on top of Olga and put the seat down.  Olga struggled to get free but Arty was a lot stronger than she was.  He slipped his arms under her shirt and caressed her breasts over her bra.

                Larry had been out of school for two weeks; he just had commencement the day before.  At 9:30 he got bored and got in his car and headed toward the Metroparks. He chose this because it was a good place to drive aimlessly because there were very few lights and unlike a highway, if driven on for a while, someone won’t end up in a different state or some town far from their place of residence.  While he was driving with the windows down, he heard a scream coming from a parking place on the side.  He pulled into it to find out what it was.  He heard the scream again from a car in there, he walked up to the car and pulled on the door, but it was locked.  He entered his car again, and had the front of it facing the side of the car, he then flashed his brights on and walked to the car.  He saw Arty on top of Olga, at first he thought it was a mistake to do that because he and Olga were friends and he knew she was going out with Arty so this appeared normal to him.  With the brights temporarily stunning Arty, Olga unlocked the door and exited running to Larry and giving him a hug.  Now Larry was extremely confused, Arty got out of the car and said, “You better back the fuck up man, that’s my girl you have wrapped in your arms.”

                “Well from the looks of the situation on how fast she got out of her car and the screaming from it, it appears like you were trying to rape your girl.”

                “Mind your own business.”

                “She’s my friend, this is my business bitch.”

                Olga let go of Larry, for she knew that a fight was imminent.  Arty said, “Well then I’ll kick your ass then rape her.”

                “Bring it.”

                Arty charged at Larry but he ducked and as he approached, wrapped his arms around his legs and snapped his upper body up catapulting Arty over his shoulders and on to the concrete.  Arty slowly pushed himself to his feet and faced Larry.  Larry ran at him and drove his shoulder into his solar plexus and tackled him to the ground.  Larry punched down at his face, Arty moved his head and Larry nailed the ground.  Arty ran toward the woods to find a weapon for Larry.  Larry chased quickly after him, Arty bent down and picked up a log and swung it across nailing Larry in the head.  Larry collapsed to the ground and Arty straddled him and punched away at his face bloodying it more.  The log shot cut the side of Larry’s face.  Larry moved his head and Arty nailed the ground and got up.  Larry warily stood up blood coming down his face.  Arty had blood on his face from the punches as well but not nearly as much as Larry.  Arty picked up the log and drilled it into the back of Larry’s head.  He then slammed it down on his kidneys.  He stomped at Larry’s back repeatedly and then helped Larry to his feet.  He gripped his hair and jammed his face into a tree.  He pulled his head back and thrusted it into the tree repeatedly; Larry’s nose broke and was relieved when Arty threw him to the ground.  Arty was thoroughly enjoying beating on Larry since he tried to stop him and his girlfriend from having sex.  He picked up the log and chucked it down nailing the back of Larry’s head.  Larry’s head was crimson; he had cuts on the side of his head, his face, and the back.  Arty walked away to finish the job raping Olga.  Larry stirred while Arty was walking away and slowly made his way to his feet.  This wasn’t about protecting Olga now; it was payback for using a weapon on him.  Arty approached the cement and Larry ran toward him, he caught up with Arty and dove into his hamstrings tripping him back to the ground.  Larry stomped at his chest repeatedly, Olga had seen the entire fight from a distance and was shocked that Larry was still fighting.  Arty rolled to his feet and stared back at Larry, his eyes widening in utter terror and shock.  Larry walked up to him and punched him in the stomach.  He put Arty in a headlock and jammed his head into his knees.  He only connected on it once, because Arty grabbed Larry’s leg and shoved him back to the ground.  Larry shot back up, bent his knees in anticipation for Arty to come back at him.  The two boys circled around each other, Larry’s adrenaline pumping faster than his heart.  Larry darted forward, Arty moved out of the way and Larry drilled the hood of Arty’s car.  Arty grabbed Larry’s head and slammed it toward the hood of his car; Larry put out his arms and avoided the momentum.  He then threw his elbow back nailing Arty in the solar plexus causing him to bend over.  Larry then grabbed a fistful of hair, yanked back and slammed Arty’s face into the car hood.  He drove his face into the car multiple times and then threw him back.  Larry climbed to the top of the car and jumped off leading with his knees to jam into his chest.  Arty rolled out of the way and Larry’s knees crashed with the asphalt.  Both men stirred, Arty got to his feet first and put Larry’s head in between his legs.  He reached around and interlocked his hands at Larry’s chest, but Larry wrapped his arms around his legs and lifted up.  Arty released his grip on his hands and now was bent over Larry’s shoulder.  Larry ran forward and pulled Arty’s legs toward him while thrusting his shoulder forward snapping Arty’s upper body to the ground.  This cut open the back of Arty’s head Larry then jumped in between Arty’s legs and landed knees first on his solar plexus.  Arty rolled coughing as the wind completely left his body.  Larry helped him to a bent over position and put his head in between his legs.  He reached around his back and interlocked his hands at his chest.  He lifted up trying to get Arty to his shoulders.  Arty’s legs bent over Larry’s shoulders but he struggled to get his upper body to sit up.  Finally Larry lost the strength and shifted his momentum forward when Arty’s head was at his stomach.  Arty collided with the asphalt on the back of his head and neck with his legs snapping over him.  Even though Larry could not get Arty fully up, the blow still knocked Arty unconscious.  Larry picked him up and offered to Olga to slap him.  Olga walked up and said, “Arty, were through, I’m breaking up with you, and no I don’t want to be friends,” as she slapped him across the face knocking him back to the ground.  Larry knelt down and took off Arty’s shirt; he then put it behind his head so he wouldn’t get blood on his car when sitting down. 

He gave the keys to Olga and Olga drove to her house.  She invited Larry in to clean him up.  Larry accepted the invitation and got out of the car.  He was too weak to walk on his own now since his adrenaline had ceased pumping.  Olga put his arm around her shoulder and walked him into her house and to the bathroom.  She lied him on the ground, got a napkin and wiped off the blood from Larry’s face.  His cuts closed already so Olga did not have much to do.  She wiped the blood off then applied rubbing alcohol to further clean the cuts.  They went into the kitchen with Larry regaining strength but still out of it.  He didn’t want to drive home.  It was now 11:40PM.  Olga jumped up and sat on the counter to talk to Larry.  She then gazed at him in a way she never had before.  He grabbed Larry's arm and yanked him toward her; Larry came toward her and found that he entered right between Olga’s legs, which Olga had wrapped around him.  She bent her head back and kissed him on the lips.  Larry tilted his head and they French kissed now.  They made out for a little bit and then he carried her to the couch.  While making out they both slipped their hands under each other’s shirts and pulled them off each other.  Larry leaned down and unbuttoned followed by unzipped Olga’s pants and pulled them off her taking her socks with them.  Olga was wearing a thong and a bra now.  She turned Larry over and then undid his pants and pulled them off with his socks as well.  Larry now only had his boxers on.  She lied on top of Larry, and Larry turned her over so he was on top, a position that Olga preferred.  They made out, while Larry caressed her breasts over her bra.  He moved his head down and kissed Olga’s neck, then further down and placed it all over Olga’s breasts over her bra.  He reached around and undid her bra and rubbed, squeezed and sucked on her bare breasts.  He rolled to the side and dropped his right arm to rubbing Olga’s groin over her thong.  Olga moved her hand down and rubbed Larry’s genitalia.  Larry’s mouth French kissed Olga repeatedly.  Larry then put his hands inside her thong and rubbed her vagina, Olga followed suit and put her hand inside Larry’s boxers and felt his genitalia.  After rubbing a bit, Larry put three fingers inside Olga’s vagina and rubbed in there.  He found the g-spot and tickled that as Olga moaned in pleasure and stroked Larry’s penis harder.  Then Larry dropped his head, and pulled Olga’s thong to her ankles, which Olga slipped them off her.  Larry wrapped Olga’s legs around his head and he licked around Olga’s vagina sticking it in a couple times as well.  Olga whispered, “Stop”

Larry immediately stopped, Olga said, “Let’s go downstairs so my parents don’t hear us.  They walked down to the basement, Larry in his boxers, Olga naked.  They lied down on the couch in the basement and Olga wrapped her legs around Larry’s head once again.  Larry continued to lick as he did before sticking it in her vagina occasionally.  Olga moaned loudly now, Larry understood why they moved down to the basement now.  Olga’s legs tightened around his head trapping it, forcing Larry to continue to lick.  She used her leg strength to turn Larry around and bent her knees on either side of his face.  Now gravity forced her vagina closer to Larry’s face and trapping his head in between the smooth tan shaven legs of Olga.  Larry licked faster and more forcibly now until Olga gave out a loud yell as she achieved orgasm. 

She loosened her grip on Larry’s head and moved her body down.  She pulled Larry’s boxers off and then rubbed his penis to make it more erect.  Once it was, she leaned her head down and placed it in her mouth.  She sucked on it vigorously forcing it deeper and shallower in her throat.  She took it out and licked the head of it.  She then pushed it aside and licked Larry’s scrotum.  She repeated this cycle a couple times until Larry ejaculated, causing her to run to the bathroom to wash the semen from her mouth. 

She came back and lied next to Larry cuddled in his arms.  She fell asleep, and Larry gently nudged her off him.  Put his boxers on then went upstairs.  He dressed himself and took all Olga’s clothes and brought them to the basement.  She pulled covers over her and left the house.  He drove home and slept in his bed wondering if Olga would be able to wake up for school the next day.  Larry had graduated the day before and his classes ended two weeks prior for him.  Olga woke up in time for school and got dressed.  Her mom took her to school as normal without suspecting anything.  Olga and Larry never talked about what happened that night, nor did they continue doing anything sexual in nature.  Both understood it was a one-time thing given the situation.  They remained plutonic friends and the atmosphere around them was never uncomfortable. 

Bad Boyfriend


                It was a rainy day on June 3, 2002.  Olga Alexos got a ride from her mother to her school.  She lived in North Royalton, Ohio but her school was in Rocky River, this made the car trip approximately a half-hour.  She was 5’5” extremely skinny with curly black hair dropping below her shoulders.  Like most people in her school she awaited the end of the year where she would graduate to a junior.  Finally she got home from school and got a call from her boyfriend Arty.  He was about 6’ tall, medium built with short light brown hair.  Olga was extremely happy to receive his phone call.  He had just recently got his driving license, something that Olga has had since November, and wanted to drive Olga around.  She readily agreed. 

                Arty picked her up from her house at 9:30pm.  Olga stealthily dressed herself to go out.  Olga eyes pierced the car and she walked out of her house toward it.  She kissed Arty hello on the cheek and he backed out.  He drove around talking to her about school and stuff.  Then they stopped in the Metroparks and parked their car. His and Olga’s relationship hadn’t been too physical so Olga was kind of suspicious why they were there.  He said to her, “We’ve been going out for a few months, I think it’s time we have sex.”

                “Arty you know what I feel about that”

                “I don’t give a shit about your ex-boyfriend, that shouldn’t stand in the way of me, he’s gone.”

                “I don’t want to”

                Arty already had the car in park, with the engine and headlights turned off.  He leaned his body on top of Olga and put the seat down.  Olga struggled to get free but Arty was a lot stronger than she was.  He slipped his arms under her shirt and caressed her breasts over her bra.

                Larry had been out of school for two weeks; he just had commencement the day before.  At 9:30 he got bored and got in his car and headed toward the Metroparks. He chose this because it was a good place to drive aimlessly because there were very few lights and unlike a highway, if driven on for a while, someone won’t end up in a different state or some town far from their place of residence.  While he was driving with the windows down, he heard a scream coming from a parking place on the side.  He pulled into it to find out what it was.  He heard the scream again from a car in there, he walked up to the car and pulled on the door, but it was locked.  He entered his car again, and had the front of it facing the side of the car, he then flashed his brights on and walked to the car.  He saw Arty on top of Olga, at first he thought it was a mistake to do that because he and Olga were friends and he knew she was going out with Arty so this appeared normal to him.  With the brights temporarily stunning Arty, Olga unlocked the door and exited running to Larry and giving him a hug.  Now Larry was extremely confused, Arty got out of the car and said, “You better back the fuck up man, that’s my girl you have wrapped in your arms.”

                “Well from the looks of the situation on how fast she got out of her car and the screaming from it, it appears like you were trying to rape your girl.”

                “Mind your own business.”

                “She’s my friend, this is my business bitch.”

                Olga let go of Larry, for she knew that a fight was imminent.  Arty said, “Well then I’ll kick your ass then rape her.”

                “Bring it.”

                Arty charged at Larry but he ducked and as he approached, wrapped his arms around his legs and snapped his upper body up catapulting Arty over his shoulders and on to the concrete.  Arty slowly pushed himself to his feet and faced Larry.  Larry ran at him and drove his shoulder into his solar plexus and tackled him to the ground.  Larry punched down at his face, Arty moved his head and Larry nailed the ground.  Arty ran toward the woods to find a weapon for Larry.  Larry chased quickly after him, Arty bent down and picked up a log and swung it across nailing Larry in the head.  Larry collapsed to the ground and Arty straddled him and punched away at his face bloodying it more.  The log shot cut the side of Larry’s face.  Larry moved his head and Arty nailed the ground and got up.  Larry warily stood up blood coming down his face.  Arty had blood on his face from the punches as well but not nearly as much as Larry.  Arty picked up the log and drilled it into the back of Larry’s head.  He then slammed it down on his kidneys.  He stomped at Larry’s back repeatedly and then helped Larry to his feet.  He gripped his hair and jammed his face into a tree.  He pulled his head back and thrusted it into the tree repeatedly; Larry’s nose broke and was relieved when Arty threw him to the ground.  Arty was thoroughly enjoying beating on Larry since he tried to stop him and his girlfriend from having sex.  He picked up the log and chucked it down nailing the back of Larry’s head.  Larry’s head was crimson; he had cuts on the side of his head, his face, and the back.  Arty walked away to finish the job raping Olga.  Larry stirred while Arty was walking away and slowly made his way to his feet.  This wasn’t about protecting Olga now; it was payback for using a weapon on him.  Arty approached the cement and Larry ran toward him, he caught up with Arty and dove into his hamstrings tripping him back to the ground.  Larry stomped at his chest repeatedly, Olga had seen the entire fight from a distance and was shocked that Larry was still fighting.  Arty rolled to his feet and stared back at Larry, his eyes widening in utter terror and shock.  Larry walked up to him and punched him in the stomach.  He put Arty in a headlock and jammed his head into his knees.  He only connected on it once, because Arty grabbed Larry’s leg and shoved him back to the ground.  Larry shot back up, bent his knees in anticipation for Arty to come back at him.  The two boys circled around each other, Larry’s adrenaline pumping faster than his heart.  Larry darted forward, Arty moved out of the way and Larry drilled the hood of Arty’s car.  Arty grabbed Larry’s head and slammed it toward the hood of his car; Larry put out his arms and avoided the momentum.  He then threw his elbow back nailing Arty in the solar plexus causing him to bend over.  Larry then grabbed a fistful of hair, yanked back and slammed Arty’s face into the car hood.  He drove his face into the car multiple times and then threw him back.  Larry climbed to the top of the car and jumped off leading with his knees to jam into his chest.  Arty rolled out of the way and Larry’s knees crashed with the asphalt.  Both men stirred, Arty got to his feet first and put Larry’s head in between his legs.  He reached around and interlocked his hands at Larry’s chest, but Larry wrapped his arms around his legs and lifted up.  Arty released his grip on his hands and now was bent over Larry’s shoulder.  Larry ran forward and pulled Arty’s legs toward him while thrusting his shoulder forward snapping Arty’s upper body to the ground.  This cut open the back of Arty’s head Larry then jumped in between Arty’s legs and landed knees first on his solar plexus.  Arty rolled coughing as the wind completely left his body.  Larry helped him to a bent over position and put his head in between his legs.  He reached around his back and interlocked his hands at his chest.  He lifted up trying to get Arty to his shoulders.  Arty’s legs bent over Larry’s shoulders but he struggled to get his upper body to sit up.  Finally Larry lost the strength and shifted his momentum forward when Arty’s head was at his stomach.  Arty collided with the asphalt on the back of his head and neck with his legs snapping over him.  Even though Larry could not get Arty fully up, the blow still knocked Arty unconscious.  Larry picked him up and offered to Olga to slap him.  Olga walked up and said, “Arty, were through, I’m breaking up with you, and no I don’t want to be friends,” as she slapped him across the face knocking him back to the ground.  Larry knelt down and took off Arty’s shirt; he then put it behind his head so he wouldn’t get blood on his car when sitting down. 

He gave the keys to Olga and Olga drove to her house.  She invited Larry in to clean him up.  Larry accepted the invitation and got out of the car.  He was too weak to walk on his own now since his adrenaline had ceased pumping.  Olga put his arm around her shoulder and walked him into her house and to the bathroom.  She lied him on the ground, got a napkin and wiped off the blood from Larry’s face.  His cuts closed already so Olga did not have much to do.  She wiped the blood off then applied rubbing alcohol to further clean the cuts.  They went into the kitchen with Larry regaining strength but still out of it.  He didn’t want to drive home.  It was now 11:40PM.  Olga jumped up and sat on the counter to talk to Larry.  She then gazed at him in a way she never had before.  He grabbed Larry's arm and yanked him toward her; Larry came toward her and found that he entered right between Olga’s legs, which Olga had wrapped around him.  She bent her head back and kissed him on the lips.  Larry tilted his head and they French kissed now.  They made out for a little bit and then he carried her to the couch.  While making out they both slipped their hands under each other’s shirts and pulled them off each other.  Larry leaned down and unbuttoned followed by unzipped Olga’s pants and pulled them off her taking her socks with them.  Olga was wearing a thong and a bra now.  She turned Larry over and then undid his pants and pulled them off with his socks as well.  Larry now only had his boxers on.  She lied on top of Larry, and Larry turned her over so he was on top, a position that Olga preferred.  They made out, while Larry caressed her breasts over her bra.  He moved his head down and kissed Olga’s neck, then further down and placed it all over Olga’s breasts over her bra.  He reached around and undid her bra and rubbed, squeezed and sucked on her bare breasts.  He rolled to the side and dropped his right arm to rubbing Olga’s groin over her thong.  Olga moved her hand down and rubbed Larry’s genitalia.  Larry’s mouth French kissed Olga repeatedly.  Larry then put his hands inside her thong and rubbed her vagina, Olga followed suit and put her hand inside Larry’s boxers and felt his genitalia.  After rubbing a bit, Larry put three fingers inside Olga’s vagina and rubbed in there.  He found the g-spot and tickled that as Olga moaned in pleasure and stroked Larry’s penis harder.  Then Larry dropped his head, and pulled Olga’s thong to her ankles, which Olga slipped them off her.  Larry wrapped Olga’s legs around his head and he licked around Olga’s vagina sticking it in a couple times as well.  Olga whispered, “Stop”

Larry immediately stopped, Olga said, “Let’s go downstairs so my parents don’t hear us.  They walked down to the basement, Larry in his boxers, Olga naked.  They lied down on the couch in the basement and Olga wrapped her legs around Larry’s head once again.  Larry continued to lick as he did before sticking it in her vagina occasionally.  Olga moaned loudly now, Larry understood why they moved down to the basement now.  Olga’s legs tightened around his head trapping it, forcing Larry to continue to lick.  She used her leg strength to turn Larry around and bent her knees on either side of his face.  Now gravity forced her vagina closer to Larry’s face and trapping his head in between the smooth tan shaven legs of Olga.  Larry licked faster and more forcibly now until Olga gave out a loud yell as she achieved orgasm. 

She loosened her grip on Larry’s head and moved her body down.  She pulled Larry’s boxers off and then rubbed his penis to make it more erect.  Once it was, she leaned her head down and placed it in her mouth.  She sucked on it vigorously forcing it deeper and shallower in her throat.  She took it out and licked the head of it.  She then pushed it aside and licked Larry’s scrotum.  She repeated this cycle a couple times until Larry ejaculated, causing her to run to the bathroom to wash the semen from her mouth. 

She came back and lied next to Larry cuddled in his arms.  She fell asleep, and Larry gently nudged her off him.  Put his boxers on then went upstairs.  He dressed himself and took all Olga’s clothes and brought them to the basement.  She pulled covers over her and left the house.  He drove home and slept in his bed wondering if Olga would be able to wake up for school the next day.  Larry had graduated the day before and his classes ended two weeks prior for him.  Olga woke up in time for school and got dressed.  Her mom took her to school as normal without suspecting anything.  Olga and Larry never talked about what happened that night, nor did they continue doing anything sexual in nature.  Both understood it was a one-time thing given the situation.  They remained plutonic friends and the atmosphere around them was never uncomfortable.