Friday, March 30, 2018

A Man's Job

                Becky’s story wasn’t too odd.  She grew up in a Midwest town in Nebraska.  Like many Midwest girls, she wanted to move to a big city, so she chose New York and headed there.  Unlike many small-town girls who come to the big city, Becky succeeded very well in that she secured a job with Barclay’s and was doing quite well on her own.  She had made some friends both at and outside of work and was pretty comfortable with herself.  On one occasion, she went to a birthday party with her co-worker, Janilsa.  She didn’t know the person whose birthday it was, but then again, neither did Janilsa.  It was Janilsa’s friend’s sister’s fiancée, so although Janilsa knew her sister, she hadn’t met the guy yet.  Becky liked going out and dancing so she was unopposed to any excuse to do this.  While there, she met one of Janilsa’s friends named Larry.  Immediately she hit it off with him because, like her, he was from the Midwest.  One thing that she found was that although she loved New York, she realized that they don’t have the same Midwest values that she does; in that, men are not chivalrous.  The feminist movement had really blurred the lines between men and women in New York as far as responsibilities were concerned.  Men didn’t walk girls home; it wasn’t the men to blame; it was the women who would always get angry when a guy tried to act that way.  Where she came from in Nebraska, the worst thing you could say to a man was that he wasn’t being a gentleman.  This idea was foreign in this city.  Larry, however, seemed to agree with her on these values.  He still didn’t believe it to be the worst thing you could say, but it was a start.  By the end of the night, she felt very comfortable with Larry, even though he claimed he hated dancing.  Although this is frowned upon in New York, in the Midwest, guys didn’t know how to dance at all, and she was more attracted to the security he felt by stating this.  There was a certain confidence to him that she enjoyed. 


Larry received a phone call from his friend Janilsa and excitedly answered it.  Larry was very introverted and never called any of his friends but jumped at the chance when they called him because he felt he may hang out with them.  It wasn’t that he was arrogant or anything, it was just out of sight out of mind type of thing.  To rectify his not calling, he tried to keep his schedule open so that at a moment’s notice he could go meet his friends.  He felt this was worthy compensation, yes, I don’t call but if you ever need someone to hang out with, even if it’s last minute, you can give me a call.  Janilsa greeted Larry and then said, “Hey, I’m going to a lounge tonight with some co-workers, you want to come?”

“What do you mean ‘lounge’”

“I know you hate dancing, but there will be places to sit and you don’t have to dance.”

Larry had heard this mantra before and it rarely panned out.  He would try to sit and not dance as he said he would but his friends would drag him on to the dance floor.  He felt this was another trap but Janilsa had normally been pretty good about not inviting him to places he didn’t want to go.  He said, “Alright, I’ll come out, but if it’s a club, I’m going to leave pretty quickly.”

Janilsa smiled, “Yea yea, I know” knowing that Larry rarely ever carried through on leaving if he wasn’t happy.  Normally he just drank himself to oblivion and waited there seemingly bored.  She also knew that she had gotten him to dance and lately it had been getting easier to get him off his ass.  Still, she hadn’t intended to do this because this place really was a lounge where dancing was not forced at all.

Larry asked, “Is there anyone there I know?”


Larry had met Becky almost a year ago and the introduction was not forgotten.  He immediately had a decent sized crush on her and since he considered himself asexual this was strange.  Larry had pretty much shut off all feelings toward the opposite sex once he lost his virginity and was very disappointed with the experience.  This actually allowed him to be much more open and confident with girls.  Had he met Becky before, he would not have been able to talk to her because he would have been too afraid to say something to fuck it up, which he almost always did.  It wasn’t that Becky was drop dead gorgeous, she was skinny, long light brown hair, and a nice body standing at about 5’6”.  Larry at 6’ liked taller girls, although he’d say 5’10” was his ideal height, 5’6” wasn’t bad.  Larry considered her good looking but not hot.  The thing that put her over the top was that she loved sports.  Larry had questioned her about it and asked if she liked the NBA, which Larry had an obsession with.  Becky responded, “Oh not just the NBA, I love football, baseball, hockey too” With that statement, Larry was hooked.  He wasn’t quite sure if Janilsa knew his feelings about her, she certainly hadn’t led on she had, but then again, Larry was oblivious to these things and he had known that passing something by Janilsa was extremely difficult.  She could see through his fancy rhetoric better than anyone he’d ever met.  Whether Janilsa knew it or not, Becky being there was the deal-closer, he was going and said as much.

                Janilsa gave Larry the time and place and offered to pick him up.  Janilsa lived out on Long Island so she drove in when she would go out in the city because she had given up drinking three years ago.  Although Larry didn’t mind taking the subway, a free ride was always appreciated.  Janilsa picked him up, drove to the city and luckily found parking outside the lounge. 


                Becky had arrived at the lounge and texted Janilsa, who hadn’t arrived yet.  She decided she would just go in and have a drink at the bar before Janilsa and Larry got there.  She was very excited to see Larry again.  She liked him but where she came from, guys made the move, so she hoped that this time he would.  She would flirt a little bit with him, maybe dance with other guys to make him jealous and hope this night ended well.  Ten minutes after she arrived at the place, Janilsa and Larry walked in.  She immediately greeted them both and they got a table.


                Larry was pleasantly surprised with the place.  It was a restaurant upstairs and a dance area downstairs.  This meant that he could easily stay upstairs and hang out while the girls danced downstairs.  Now, he was glad he came; he would relax at the table and talk to the girls when they were recovering from dancing.  He did just that.  It worked out for Janilsa too because she had someone to watch her purse while she danced. 


                Becky and Janilsa ate a quick meal and went downstairs to dance.  They both found guys to dance with and had fun.  Every now and then, they went back upstairs to recover before going back down to dance.  They had tried getting Larry to come down but he refused.  The second she got downstairs, Becky saw the guy she was dancing with come over and start dancing with her again.  He was black and as the stereotype would lend, he was a very good dancer.  Becky lost herself in the music and followed his lead.  After a while, the guy asked her to come outside with him so he could have a cigarette.  Smoking had been illegal indoors since 2005 in New York, so this was a common theme for New Yorkers.  Becky told Janilsa she was going to go outside as a way of asking her to come with her.  The two girls followed him outside while he smoked.  The guy said to Becky, “You want to get out of here?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know it’s getting kind of late, you want to go somewhere quieter and get a drink or something?”

Becky saw where this was going and said, “No, that’s alright, that’s a little fast for me, I can give you my number and we’ll do this some other time.”

“Oh I see, dance with me all night, lead me on, then blow me off right?”

“Umm, no, not at all, you’re a good dancer, I like dancing.  I wasn’t leading you on.”

“You seemed to get pretty crazy on the dance floor.”

“Well I’m sorry that you misunderstood, but I’m going back inside, have a good night.”


Janilsa immediately became aware of the situation.  When the guy first started coming on to Becky, she backed away and let him work but now that she realized Becky wasn’t interested she got closer in case she had to help her friend out.  Although Janilsa wasn’t too big, she always carried pepper spray and a taser on her.  The pepper spray was in her purse, which Larry had, but her taser was in her jacket pocket, which she had on.  She walked closer as she saw that this conversation could get ugly fast, and sure enough it did because the guy grabbed Becky by the arm and said, “No, bitch, you’re coming with me now.”

Becky looked around for someone to help.  There were a lot of people on the street but another sad fact is that nobody wants to get involved.  America is the only country where you can get sued for saving someone’s life.  It was also very common to see couples fighting on the street or subway so nobody paid them any mind.  The bouncers at the lounge were only concerned with problems inside of the lounge, so they didn’t do anything.  Luckily, Janilsa seemed to take control when she screamed, “Hey, let go of my friend asshole.”

“Fuck you spik, this has nothing to do with you.”

Janilsa was Dominican and like most Hispanics, hated being called “Spik.”  It wasn’t very common because since New York is a melting pot, you don’t hear racial slurs as often as other places.  This made it all the worse.  Becky jerked her arm away and said, “Get off me psycho.”

                Becky didn’t expect what happened next at all.  Despite what it seemed like, she didn’t think this situation was anything she couldn’t handle.  But when she felt his hand come across her face knocking her down, she came to the harsh realization that this was getting really serious.  Suddenly she saw Janilsa lunge at him only to end up lying on the ground seemingly motionless.  She didn’t know it at the time, but Janilsa had pulled out her taser and pushed the button to send the electrical current through the spike and brought it toward the man’s neck. Although she’d been carrying it for a while, she had never had to use it until now.  The man was quick however and grabbed her arm hit where the elbow bends and directed the taser to her own neck knocking her unconscious.  Becky looked around to see if someone would help.  Surely, the fact that Janilsa was knocked out would cause someone to help.  Before she knew it, she felt the man’s arm squeeze her bicep and yank her up.  She was too scared to move now; she wanted to scream but the people around didn’t seem like they wanted to help at all.  Her scream got caught in her throat as she found herself being pulled down the street. It wasn’t far until the man pulled out his keys and popped the trunk of a car a few feet from them.  He unceremoniously threw her into the trunk and slammed it shut.  Becky lay in the dark stunned that nobody was helping.  She searched for her phone only to remember it was in her purse, which was at the table.  She listened to see if someone may confront him but all she heard was the common sounds of the city. 


                Larry had seen Becky and Janilsa go outside but left them alone.  They had found a guy and he didn’t really seem to care.  He wasn’t a jealous person, in fact, he had a cold logic to this, he hadn’t gone for Becky, made no indication that he was going to, so he didn’t really blame someone else for trying.  As for Janilsa, she was one of his best friends.  It’s not to say there wasn’t sexual tension, because there was.  In fact, they had hooked up twice, but that was eight years ago.  Larry kind of felt he was lucky their friendship survived two hook ups when most co-ed friendships don’t last one.  He reasoned that they weren’t friends when they hooked up. Although the first time, it can be argued it was true, the second came two months later, and they had gotten to be pretty good friends by then.  Still, he was quite content having her as a friend, therefore, had no problem with guys hitting on her. If anything he encouraged it because he wanted her to be happy.  He did notice that the guy was more hitting on Becky.  One thing that bothered him the most about himself was that he never fought for the girls he wanted.  He justified it to himself that that’s why he didn’t deserve them but he felt it was something he could rectify but he never did.  Seeing Becky with another guy did bother him.  It wasn’t jealousy; it was more feelings of inadequacy.  He decided he’d just go home.  Janilsa would understand.  He picked up Janilsa and Becky’s purses and closed his tab planning to go outside and give the girls back their purses and go home.  Saying good bye was always something he hated but he had had enough.  He got his card back, wrote in the tip and put his card back in his wallet.  He put on his coat and walked out the door.  What he saw, he didn’t quite believe at first.  The girls were gone, and the guy that seemed to be the guy they left with was placing someone inside his car.  The odd thing was, the girl didn’t look conscious, and although he didn’t get a very good look, it seemed to look like Janilsa.  Before he could react, the guy was in the driver seat.  Larry was drunk and had never driven drunk before, but now he seemed to think was a good time to make it his first.  He took Janilsa’s keys out of her purse and ran to her car.  He started it up hoping that he wasn’t overreacting.  While stopped at a light, he turned his phone on speaker and called Janilsa.  He dreaded the phone call because if he was wrong and Janilsa and Becky had gone inside while he was closing his tab, he just stole her car.  Unfortunately, her phone rang from inside her purse, which he had.  He decided he was at the point of no return and he would have to follow the car.  He was a couple cars behind him but knew which car he was following.  The stress from not knowing if his friend had just been kidnapped to if she hadn’t he just stole her car, to drinking and driving, had sobered him up considerably.  Still, blood doesn’t lie but he didn’t feel drunk anymore.  Just to be sure, he slapped himself in the face.  He knew that although there were many myths to how to sober up quickly, exercise and being hit were the only ones that actually had scientific backing.  Exercise wasn’t an option.


                The man driving the car was very happy with himself.  Nobody had said anything when he put either girl in his car and he thought he had gotten away with it.  It’s possible that they copied his license plate but there was nothing he could do about that.  Right now, he was just pissed that the white girl denied him after dancing with him all night.  The Spanish chic was a bonus.  Humans are predators but unlike any other predators, the worst ones take pleasure in preying on those that fight.  This bitch tried to stun him.  For that, he would enjoy raping her.  It was a long way to his house in Long Island but not long enough that she would wake up before he got there.  With his excitement of getting to fuck two chics in the same night, he didn’t even bother checking to see if he was being followed.  He arrived at his house and pulled into the drive way.  He opened the door and took out the Spanish girl.  He wanted to take care of her first so he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her toward his door.  He removed his keys, unlocked the door and carried her in.  This wasn’t his first time doing this, so he already had things prepared.  He lied her on the bed and took some duct tape he kept in the room and taped her limbs to each bed post quickly.  Now was the hard part, dealing with the conscious girl in his trunk.  He went back outside and headed to his car.  As he approached, he could hear her pounding at the trunk.  She had been pounding the whole time but now that she felt the car stop she had renewed energy.  He knew he was in no danger because the sounds of New York City could easily drown out the noise and with everyone in their homes sleeping in his Long Island neighborhood, it wasn’t nearly loud enough to wake anyone up.  Even if someone was awake, they wouldn’t be able to hear that.  He opened the trunk and immediately slapped his hand over her mouth to suppress any scream.  The scream came but it was muffled.  He wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her out of the car.  She fought him the whole way but he overpowered her and dragged her to the house never releasing his hand from her mouth.  He hadn’t closed the trunk but wasn’t too worried about it.  When the door was shut, he punched her in the stomach before removing his hand from her mouth.  She went down like a rock.  He nudged her upper body back with his foot lying her flat on her back.  He then straddled her and wrapped his hand around her throat and said, “You’re going to behave, if you give me any more trouble, I’m going to fucking kill you.  If you just give me what I want, and do as I say, you’ll go home safe and sound.”

                Becky wanted to believe this but just couldn’t.  The problem was, she didn’t seem to have a choice.  She was in his house, he was in control.  Her makeup was running because she had been crying.  The tears came again as she felt helpless.  Nobody would help her on the street; they surely weren’t going to get to her now.  She wasn’t a virgin; she would just have sex with him and hope that it would let her get home, where she can go to the cops later.  All she had to do was get through this night.  She let him help her up and didn’t resist as he dragged her to the basement.  When she came in, the man pushed her against a support column and told her to stay there.  She obeyed.  He then got a roll of duct tape and told her to put her hands to her side.  Her body started shaking but she did as she was told.  The guy then wrapped the duct tape around her body and the poll a few times before lowering it to around her thighs and shins.  She was completely trapped and facing a TV screen.  The man then turned on the TV and adjusted the input to reveal Janilsa stirring while restrained to a bed.  Becky got the distinct impression that he wanted her to watch what he did to Janilsa.  The man tore off another strip of duct tape and placed it over her mouth. 

                The guy then walked out of the room and went outside to close the trunk.  He then went into the room Janilsa was in and pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.  He tapped her on her face a couple times as he realized she was coming to.  “Hey bitch, what’s up?” Janilsa pulled at her restraints and stared at him incredulously as she started to realize her predicament.  “please don’t bother screaming, nobody will hear you.  Now, that was very noble of you, to go defend your friend like that.  You’re a tough bitch with your little stun gun.  So, now that we’re here together.  Was she really worth it?”

                “Fuck you.”

                “Well you are, in a minute.” He replied with a smile. .He took out a pair of scissors and started cutting Janilsa’s shirt and said, “You might want to stay still for this.  I don’t want to cut you yet.”

                Janilsa started shaking but she knew that resisting not only would be futile but probably would cause the scissors to cut her instead of her clothes.  The guy cut down the middle and then followed up cutting the sleeves off.  He then did the same to her jeans.  She just stared up at the ceiling chocking back tears.  She focused on the only thing she could help, not letting him see her cry.  With precision, he cut away her bra and panties until she only had her socks and shoes, which were taped to the bedpost.  He said, “Well I won’t completely strip you, you can keep your socks and shoes on.  Now that you can kind of see where this is going, I’ll ask you again.  Was she worth it?”

                “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

                “I don’t think you’re in any position to do that.  Are you going to answer my question or not?”

                “Fuck you.”

                “Alright fine, you can answer later.”  The guy wanted to give Janilsa the illusion that her efforts were not in vain.  He wanted her to be a little open to the possibility of getting raped by him because she did it so her friend can be saved.  After he was done with her, he would reveal that it really was pointless because her friend would suffer the same fate she did.  He would torture her until she answered the question.  Either answer was fine for him.  A Yes meant he could take it away from her and a no would be comical because it’s like she blamed her friend for what happened to her.  It had only been five minutes since he parked his car and things were looking good.


                Larry had watched him pull into the driveway and then parked the car on the street.  He wanted to be sure of what he saw at the lounge.  He hadn’t received a call from Janilsa which either meant he was right, or Janilsa didn’t have any numbers memorized because they were in her phone.  The other option was that she hadn’t noticed he left yet.  It had only been a half hour since leaving the lounge so this was somewhat believable.  He thought about all this on the way over here.  The most likely scenario was the first one, he knew her brother had his cell number and even if she didn’t know her brother’s cell phone number, she certainly had her house phone and could wake her dad up to get her brother’s number.  There were so many other people Janilsa knew that had his number that he refused to believe she couldn’t get it somehow.  Still, with people’s reliance on phones these days, it was possible that she had no numbers memorized.  He got out of the car and walked along the back yards so no street lights picked him up.  He got to the house that the guy pulled up in and he walked along the side of the house.  He felt really exposed but it was dark and there were no lights on him.  If he got discovered well then, he would just have to confront him without the benefit of surprise.  He peeked around to the side of the house and saw the man with a girl over his shoulder carrying her into the house.  The lights of the house were on and he was pretty positive it was Janilsa now.  He still waited though.  The man came back out and opened the trunk.  Larry watched as he fought a struggling girl into the house.  From that distance, it looked like Becky.  Things were too coincidental and he had to act.  It was blatantly obvious that he was kidnapping two girls so even if he got involved and it wasn’t Becky and Janilsa, at least he would feel good helping two girls.  He was chivalrous enough to know that would make him feel a little better given all the effort.  Calling the cops wasn’t an option.  All they could do was knock on the door and ask questions.  If the girls are unconscious, or outside of ear shot, it means nothing.  The cops can’t go in.  He walked to the front door and peeked through the window.  He didn’t see anything so let himself in expecting to see the man but he didn’t.  He noticed a door open and he heard someone descending stairs.  Now he knew where he was going.  First thing he had to do was make sure that nobody else was in the house.  Larry shut the front door softly and slowly made his way upstairs.  He opened all the doors that he found softly so as not to disturb anyone if they were sleeping.  He heard the front door open and close and rushed to a room in the front.  He looked through the window outside and saw the man close his trunk and head back.  He stepped away from the window and listened for the front door to close.  When it did he skulked back and stood beside the door so that if it opened, the door would block anyone from seeing him and also would give him a weapon.  Part of Larry was telling him to stop being surreptitious and just come out and attack.  He wanted to make sure he had the advantage though and that required seeing if it was really just him, the guy and the two girls in the house.  He was surprised at how well he could hear things.  He heard a door close downstairs and he finished searching the rooms upstairs before making his way downstairs.  He went down to the basement this time expecting to run into the guy but instead he found Becky tied to a column.  The other reason Larry thought he had the advantage was that he carried two knives with him at all times.  He took out the spring-assisted blade and cut away the duct tape holding Becky.  Becky wrapped her arms tightly around Larry.  Larry hugged back but then pulled away slightly and put a finger to his mouth to signal for Becky to be quiet and took off the duct tape on her mouth.  Larry had noticed the screen before but now he actually looked at it.  If there was any doubt in his mind before, it was gone now.  He saw Janilsa in her lingerie as the guy was now cutting off her bra.  Becky whispered, “You have to help her”

                Larry was stunned.  Although he expected something like this to happen, he wasn’t prepared to see it.  He gave Becky his knife and Janilsa’s keys and whispered, “Get out of here, car is parked up the street, if I don’t call Janilsa’s phone, which is in the car, in ten minutes, call the cops for help.”

                “You didn’t call the cops?  Why?”

                “No time, explain later, just please get out of here.”

                Becky didn’t have to be told again.  She wanted nothing more than to get out of this house and she couldn’t help Janilsa so Larry would have to.  Larry knew they had to be on the first floor but he didn’t know where.  He walked up the stairs and Becky followed behind.  Becky didn’t like that Larry was going so slow but Larry knew that he needed to keep things quiet.  Larry walked toward a door on the first floor as Becky hurried to the front door and opened it rushing out.  Larry thought she made too much noise, but given that nobody was rushing out, maybe the guy didn’t hear.  There weren’t too many doors on the first floor, one was a bathroom and the other was where Janilsa was being held.  Since he had already searched the house, he knew there was nobody else there.  Larry creaked the door open and saw the guy with his back toward him pulling his pants down.  Larry smiled because he knew there was no more perfect time to come in.  He yelled as he ran and the man tripped over his pants as he tried to turn around to see who it was.  Larry drove his shoulder into the man’s midsection as he faced him and drove him over Janilsa and to the ground on the opposite side of the bed.  Larry wrapped his left arm around the man’s pants pulling them toward his head which pinned the man’s legs behind his head and disabled him from sliding them over his feet.  Larry then drove his right fist into the man’s face repeatedly.  The man was defenseless.  He tried swinging his arms at Larry but his legs absorbed most of the impact so the force against Larry’s back was minimal.  He was also losing a lot of strength from the shots directly to his face.  After a few shots, Larry let go of the pants and started driving both fists into his face repeatedly.  Eventually the man stopped struggling and went limp and Larry delivered a few more punches just to ensure the man wasn’t feigning unconsciousness.  Larry’s hands were bloody both from the man’s face and cracking his own knuckles on the man’s face.  He tried aiming for the nose, but some punches landed elsewhere.  He ignored the pain in his hand and focused on the rage that he was trying to rape one of his best friends.  He got up and grabbed the duct tape and taped the man’s arms and legs together.  He took out his knife and cut the duct tape off Janilsa’s limbs freeing her.  She immediately leapt out of the bed and hugged Larry squeezing hard.  Janilsa didn’t seem to care that she was naked at first.  She then pulled back and grabbed Larry’s hand with the knife trying to grab it from him.  She got the knife and turned toward the man.  Larry grabbed her arm and said, “Janilsa, don’t”

                She screamed, “Why not?”

                “Our finger prints are all over this house along with your hair and other DNA on the bed.  We don’t want a murder investigation, we leave now, there’s no risk of getting arrested for this.”

                “No jury would convict me.”

                “Why risk it?  You’re okay, Becky’s okay.  Come on, she’s waiting in the car for us.”

                Janilsa turned toward Larry for the first time, “What?  Becky’s here?  Why the fuck did you bring her?”

                “I didn’t bring her, he did”

                “He said that she got away.”

                “Okay, so he lied because she was tied up in the basement.” 

                Janilsa held the knife and looked from Larry to the man.  She was beginning to keep her emotions in check and listen to Larry.  She had always been good about rationalizing emotions and focusing on the cold truth and logic.  Logically, there was almost zero chance of being arrested if she left now.  If she killed him, then she would have to cover up the murder and that wasn’t something she wanted to do.  She didn’t think that punching him unconscious was enough though.  She turned toward Larry and said, “You may want to turn your head.”

                “Janilsa, don’t…”

                “I’m not going to kill him.  But you really don’t want to see what I am going to do to him.”

                Larry realized what she was getting at and turned his head.  This one, he didn’t have much of an argument for.  Janilsa bent down and straddled the man’s legs.  The man was stirring and snapping out of unconsciousness but still not strong enough to fight even if his limbs weren’t tied together.  Janilsa smiled and swung the knife and dug it into the man’s scrotum.  She grabbed his penis and scrotum and swung at the same spot pulling as she tried to tear it off.  The guy was screaming in pain and Janilsa looked up and said, “Scream if you want to, nobody can hear you”

                Larry hopped over the bed and left the room.  He picked up a phone and dialed Janilsa’s number.  Becky answered frantically and said, “Is everything okay?”

                “Yes, we’re fine, did you call the cops?”

                “No, it’s only been five minutes”

                “I know, don’t call them, we’ll be out soon.”

                “Soon?  Why not now?”

                “Fine, we’re leaving now.”


                Larry hung up the phone.  He went to go back in the room but instead Janilsa walked out calmly holding the man’s penis in one hand and a video camera in the other.  She opened some cupboards in the kitchen and found a bag.  She then placed the penis and camera inside and smiled at Larry and said, “Souvenir”

                Larry stared at Janilsa’s naked body and decided to just ignore the comment.  He took off his jacket followed by his sweater and threw it at Janilsa.  Since Janilsa is only 5 feet tall, Larry’s sweater acts as a short dress on her.  Janilsa put it on and then walked casually out of the house.  Larry put his jacket on and followed.  As they approached the car, Becky ran out and hugged Janilsa and then Larry.   They got into the car and Janilsa had a smirk on her face.  Becky said, “Ummm why are you smiling?”

                Janilsa smiled wider and said, “Would you like to know what happened to our little friend that took us home?”

                Becky smiled this time and looked at Larry and said, “Yea, I would.”

                “I cut his fucking balls off and jammed them down his throat then took his penis off and kept it as a souvenir.”

                Becky stopped smiling and looked incredulously at Janilsa.  She was expecting to hear how Larry kicked his ass but wasn’t prepared for that.  She was too shocked to speak then she said, “How did you get out? He had you taped to the bed I thought.”

                Janilsa had already started driving but looked over and said, “How did you know that?”

                “He had a TV in the room he had me in and a link to a camera in your room.”

                “Yea, I grabbed the camera too, I thought he just video taped him fucking for his own personal enjoyment.  I didn’t know he would fucking stream it.”

                Larry chimed in, “I doubt it’s on the internet.  He just has it linked to all his TV’s so he can watch it on a bigger screen than his camera or computer.”

                “Well, you can watch the tape to see what I did to him.”

                “Umm that’s okay” Becky said

                Janilsa drove Becky home first.  Becky said, “You guys can stay at my place, you don’t have to go home.”

                Larry shrugged his shoulders and Janilsa said, “No, I kind a want to go home and shower.  I feel disgusting right now.  Larry you can stay if you want.

                Larry said, “Yea, I’ll stay, I don’t feel like taking the train back right now or making you take me.”

                “Well, it’s not a big deal and I kind of owe you, but whatever you want.”

                “I’ll stay here.”

                Becky said, “Good, because I for one don’t feel like being along tonight.”

                They both left and went to Becky’s apartment.  As soon as the door closed, Becky jumped on Larry wrapping her arms and legs around him and resting her head on his shoulder.  Larry could feel how tense she was.  Obviously she was still shaken up by what happened.  Larry rubbed her back consolingly.  She started to cry and Larry whispered in her ear that everything was alright and that she was safe.  This made her not hold back and balled on his shoulder.  Larry patted her back and let her go.  After a little bit she unwrapped her legs and stood.  She pulled back and kept her arms around Larry’s neck as she stared into his eyes and closed hers.  Larry didn’t know if it was appropriate but he wanted nothing more than to kiss her right now.  He leaned in and locked lips with her and was pleased to see she returned the jester.  They made out a little while before Becky jumped back up and wrapped her legs around Larry as she continued to kiss him.  Larry walked with her attached into her bedroom and lied down on top of her on the bed.  He unzipped his coat to reveal that he was topless and slid his arms under Becky’s shirt maneuvering it over her head.  He started kissing her neck before dropping his mouth across her breasts down her stomach and to her waist.  Becky breathed heavily the whole way.  Larry undid and unzipped her pants and slid them down.  Becky had already kicked off her heels and after Larry slid her pants off, she wrapped her leg around Larry and spun him so that she was on top of him.  She started kissing his neck and slid her mouth done his chest and stomach in a similar way he did her.  She then used her mouth to unzip his jeans and unbuttoned them sliding them off.  Larry was also able to kick his shoes off while this was going on.  Becky took Larry’s socks off with his pants and threw them to the side.  She knelt aside his waist and sat up on her knees.  She reached back and undid her bra before leaning forward and smothering Larry’s face in her breasts.  She rocked her body back and forth feeling his penis harden under his boxers and her panties.  Larry opened his mouth and sucked on each breast as it came across his mouth.  Becky then slid her body down and pulled off Larry’s boxers.  She moved her way back up licking his scrotum and used her hands to stroke his penis.  She then stood up over him and signaled for him to sit up.  Larry was smiling as he sat up and Becky put her hands on the back of his head and pulled his head toward her crotch.  Larry reached up and pulled down her panties and started licking her clitoris.  Becky moaned with pleasure.  She used her knee to nudge Larry back and then placed her foot on his chest and pinned him down.  After what she went through, she wanted to dominate a little bit and was hoping Larry would reciprocate.  So far, he was.  She dropped her knee onto Larry’s chest and put her weight onto the leg.  Larry sucked in air but didn’t have any further reaction.  Becky opened her night stand drawer and pulled out a condom.  She placed it over Larry’s penis and lowered herself on top of him so that his penis entered her.  She thrusted her pelvis back and forth before leaning forward and locking lips.  Larry made out with her and spun her around.  He dropped his hips and sucked on Becky’s breasts.  Becky wrapped her legs around him and squeezed as she turned.  She didn’t want to be on bottom and if Larry fought it, she would say as much.  As far as she was concerned, she was in control of what happened here.  She was grateful for what Larry did but this would be done on her terms.

Larry couldn’t care less whether he was on top or bottom, he was loving every minute of this.  He let Becky turn him over and made a note not to try that again.  This was the second time she quickly turned back around when he had her pinned on her back.  She seemed to be catering to what he wanted anyway because as soon as she did the second time, she started hovering her breast over his face again.  Larry lowered his hands from her back to her ass and pulled himself deeper into her.  She gyrated her hips and Larry caressed her ass.  They started making out again and then she pulled up and started groaning.  Larry kissed her neck and sat up and lowered his mouth to her breast before going back up around her neck and to her mouth.  Becky leaned back and wrapped her legs around Larry’s waist and her arms around his neck pulling him toward her.  Larry lowered his hands and caressed her legs as he kissed the side of he neck softly.  Becky started screaming as she climaxed before pulling her legs back and locking her lips onto Larry’s as she placed her hands on his chest and shoved him back onto his back and rode him hard.  It didn’t take long before the choke-like noises came from Larry as he achieved orgasm.  Becky rolled off him and lay on her back beside him panting.  Larry didn’t move and panted next to her.  Becky turned away from Larry and Larry turned toward her placed his right arm under Becky’s neck and his left around her body placing his hand on her stomach and closed his eyes.  Becky grabbed Larry’s hand and pressed it against her as she slid back into Larry and relaxed her body before closing her eyes and going to sleep.

The next day, Janilsa called Larry.  The call woke him up but he answered the phone still naked from the night before.  Becky groaned Larry woke her up when he slid his arm from under her neck.  He smiled and answered.  Becky turned over and placed her arm over Larry’s chest.  Larry answered groggily, “Hello.”

“Hey Larry, what’s up?”

“Nothing much, how are you?”

“I’m okay, you still at Becky’s?”

Larry looked down at Becky and smiled, “Yes, I am”

“Can I talk to her?”

“Larry brought the phone to Becky’s ear who was smiling with her eyes still closed.  He put the phone next to her ear and she said in a playful voice, “Hello”

If Janilsa didn’t think anything happened because of how quickly Becky got on the phone from when Larry did, she certainly did by her voice.  She started laughing, “Hey, have some fun last night I see?”

Becky kept the voice and said, “hmmm maybe.”

“Alright, well I’ll leave you alone then, I just wanted to know if you wanted to meet up today.”

Becky yawned and said, “Yea, I’m cool with that” looking up at Larry and said, “Larry, you wanna meet up with Janilsa later?”

Larry responded, “Yes”

Becky then said yes into the phone,

Janilsa responded, “Alright, I’ll call you when I’m in the city, let’s meet for brunch.”

Becky looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:00AM.  She said okay and hung up the phone.  She then got up and took a shower to get ready for the day. 

Larry didn’t know why but he liked that Becky didn’t seem to hide from what happened last night.  She didn’t actually say it to Janilsa but with that voice he knew that she was confirming any suspicions.  He got up and remembered he didn’t have a shirt.  When Becky got out of the shower, he showered and put on his clothes using the jacket as a shirt like he had before.  They met up with Janilsa and had brunch then all three returned to their homes.  Larry and Becky started hanging out alone after that and eventually Larry asked her out to which she said yes.  The three of them remained friends and never brought up the events of that night at the lounge. 

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