Saturday, September 9, 2017

Attempted Marine Rape Invasion

                In the year 1910, the mafia was beginning to take form due to the prohibition of alcohol.  On one night in New York, mafia members hijacked a truck looking for goods to sell.  All they found, however, was a large tank of sea horses.  They decided they would use the truck for transportation purposes.  To get rid of the seahorses, they threw the tank into the Hudson River.  When they got there, many amphibious creatures were intrigued by the new marine life.  Because of this, the marine life such as frogs approached the seahorses rather frequently.  The seahorses immediately began having sex with these frogs and other amphibians.  Although this seems weird, the harsh conditions of the Hudson River calls for species to either adapt or die.  The seahorses tried to mate and reproduce as quickly as they could since they were rapidly dying.  Mutations of sea horses arose and evolution was happening in New York unbeknownst to the large city of Manhattan.  By the year 2003, the seahorse had gone through multiple generations and had actually developed lungs for land occupation.  The mutated seahorse, however, still had full use of its gills.  This new mutation of seahorse was also very horny for non-seahorse animals.  Since an evolutionary law is “only the strong survive” this new mutation had all the good genes of the amphibians to survive.  Naturally this included a need for lungs to get out of the harsh conditions of the Hudson River.  The mutated seahorse instinctively wanted better though.  They sought out for animals that only occupied land.  One useful trait for this was inherited from a bullfrog in its ability to puff itself to multiple times it’s own size.  The only question was what species would the seahorse target, reptile, bird, or mammal? 

The seahorse got into water pipes and traveled through the cities.  Every now and then it would hear a loud noise and a large silver snake whizzed by.  This scared the seahorse for he had not seen a snake that large that made so much noise.  This snake had no scales, but smooth silvery skin.   The snake also had circular legs in which bright orange lights often emerged from them.  The legs were much larger than the seahorse so this is the only thing he got a good look at.  The seahorse did not want to rape this species.  The seahorse was not alone on this journey.  He had a female seahorse with him as well.  One thing to be understood is that the seahorse is one of the few species where the male carries the offspring and gives birth.  One day while traveling through pipes they reached an opening and saw a bright white light coming at them.  The male seahorse was able to slither out of the way, but the big silver snake with circular legs squashed the female.  The seahorse has no feeling for its mate so it just continued on searching for a mate.  After all, his job was to find a non-seahorse species.  The female species was only brought along in case they did not find a non-amphibious species in their travels.  If this were the case, they would mate and their offspring would continue the journey.  Would he find a non-amphibious mate before death?

Alyssa Gil went to school at New York University.  She was a commuter student and below average height.  After spending some time in the city and working out, she was on her way home.  Alyssa commuted to school so took the subway to and from school.  She waited on the platform for the subway with many other people.  As she was waiting she noticed a subway worker climb up from the tracks onto the platform.  Alyssa figured that the worker was done with his shift and was now leaving.  Shortly after the worker climbed up the subway train came.  It didn’t seem uncommon to her to see a worker climb from the tracks but she didn’t know that what this worker had with him would be extremely important later on that day. 

The male seahorse traveled through the water pipes until one day he saw a large animal with hair on the top of its head and soft skin.  It was multicolored with an orange harder texture over a different color softer skin.  This intrigued the seahorse so he grabbed on and crawled around searching to see if it would be a suitable species to mate with.  The large new species had no idea that the seahorse was on him and carried out its business.  When the male seahorse realized he discovered a male form of the species and could not mate with it, he wanted to get off.  At this time, however, the species was climbing so he waited for it to remain still.  He then hopped off and found no water pipes in this new area.  He immediately found a shorter, yet still massive compared to the frog-sized seahorse, version of the previous species.  This species had no hair except for the top of its head.  Immediately the seahorse climbed on this species to see if he had discovered the female version.  The seahorse froze when he heard the big snake coming.  He wondered if his elevated position would be too high for the snake.  It wasn’t, for the first time, the seahorse saw a middle section of the large snake.  Before then, he only saw its large circular legs.  He realized that the midsection had the smooth skin open up to reveal its insides, which were hollow.  Many of the species he had just encountered were inside of the snake.  The seahorse believed that this was how the snake ate, it would open up and something lured the new species he was now attached to inside its stomach.  The seahorse had never seen an animal do this so it was frozen in shock, and did not recover until it was too late; the species he had held on to had walked inside.  The seahorse had no idea what the snake used to lure this new species, but it appeared to have worked.  Suddenly the skin slid back into place and the seahorse thought this was the end. After a bit, he was perplexed because he didn’t feel dead.  The snake must have slow digestion, he observed the occurrences inside the snake.  He witnessed the skin opening and shutting many times.  What gave him hope is some of the species inside the snake would escape alive from inside of the snake.  Seeing this, he continued his journey on the species avoiding being crushed when many of this new species collided.  Now the seahorse’s efforts were on not being crushed between this species.  One thing was for sure it was a culture shock.  From an unknown source sounds would be made that seemed to come from everywhere at once, it happened shortly before and after the opening or closing of the skin. 

Finally the species he had grabbed on to exited from inside the snake.  The seahorse breathed in relief since no more of this two-legged species were colliding together.  He waited for the species to stop so he could continue to see if the species was female.  It did stop but not in where the seahorse wanted.  For this species had walked into another snake.  The seahorse didn’t think he would get lucky and live twice so fear caused him to stop again.  Once again the two-legged species collided into each other making it hard for him to search.  Finally, once again, the species exited from inside the large snake safe and sound.  The seahorse was amazed for he had been in the second snake for a very long time.  The species walked a long distance and the seahorse waited patiently for it to stop.  Every time it did it searched its body for female parts.  It was hard to distinguish from the layers of skin it had for it was not just one piece for the whole body.  This only occurred under the first two layers of skin.  The third layer was a layer he couldn’t crawl under so this is where it searched for the part.  Although this skin traveled through a majority of the body, it still did not cover parts of the upper section below the head and at the top of the legs at the bottom of the abdomen.  Since the seahorse was on the leg, the abdomen was closer.  The seahorse also moved slowly since it was an amphibian, thus needed water.  He hadn’t been in water for a while so was drying fast.  The species stopped and went rather frequently so this was a timely process and got more painful.  He had not discovered any part either male or female since the longer he waited the weaker he became.  The seahorse slept on the leg of the species.  The seahorse then saw something rather strange.  The species was tearing off the skin that had holes in it and revealed a skin that covered its entire body.  The seahorse remained where he was for it was on the verge of dying from not being in water.  To the seahorse’s luck it began raining.  Except this rain covered a very small area of the ground.  The seahorse looked up and did not see anything that resembled a sky nor did he see a sun.  He didn’t think about this, for he had to see if this species was male or female.  He crawled up toward the abdomen and when he reached the bottom, he found what he was looking for; the female part.  He immediately tried to mate with this large species but his part didn’t fit.  He unhooked his legs and plummeted to the ground to puffed up so his part would fit. 

Alyssa had taken the subway home.  It was rather crowded on the subway so she bumped with people frequently.  While walking home, she encountered many stops waiting for walk signs.  When she got home, she immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower.  Not too long later, she noticed a seahorse-like creature getting larger.  Alyssa was too shocked to scream or make a sound.  She knew she had not taken any drugs that cause one to hallucinate but this was not an every day occurrence.    The seahorse had puffed up to Alyssa’s size and Alyssa’s eyes widened with fear.  Suddenly Alyssa felt something around her groin region.  Despite her skepticism of the situation, she realized that this seahorse was male and trying to mate.  Immediately Alyssa slapped the seahorse across the side of his head causing it to slam against the bathroom wall.  The seahorse anticipated the species to fight back.  Species often did but this was survival of the fittest.  He came back and hit Alyssa with his suction arms in the face.  Alyssa felt the pain and began to believe that this was not her imagination.  Hallucinated objects don’t hit, and if they do, it doesn’t hurt.  Alyssa grabbed the seahorse by what she conceived to be the throat.  The seahorse immediately shot a small liquid substance from its snout.  This was how male seahorses attracted their mates.  They would spray a substance in the water that would draw the female seahorses to it.  Now it was used as a defense mechanism.  She let go of the seahorse and rubbed her face.  The seahorse took advantage of this and shoved her into the wall and again tried to mate now that he had her pinned.  Alyssa was too strong for that, she shoved the seahorse back and pulled herself out of the corner.  She opened her hands and put them in front of her and slapped the seahorse a couple times.  She then told the seahorse, “Come on you little fuck, I’m Dominican and we Dominicans can fight.”

The seahorse had no idea what sound emerged from the species but realized it was hard to mate with.  He wrapped his tail around her leg and pulled but Alyssa shook her leg violently trying to knock the seahorse off.  With the upper half of his body, the seahorse wrapped around the other leg and tripped Alyssa.  She collapsed flat on her stomach in the tub with water beating on her back.  The seahorse lied on top and again tried to stick his part into the hole in the bottom of the abdomen.  This, however, was the wrong hole.  Since most of the seahorse was air, it was very light.  Alyssa rose with ease and sandwiched the seahorse into the wall.  While she did this, she turned the water off.  Suddenly she realized that she was fighting a seahorse, the water would help it.  Alyssa faced the seahorse and stepped on its tale with one leg and kicked its midsection with the other.  The seahorse couldn’t move.  Alyssa contemplated getting her blow dryer as a weapon but she wanted to think that she didn’t need a weapon to fight a seahorse.  Alyssa stopped hitting the seahorse and dried herself on a towel.  She didn’t want any water on her to help the seahorse.  The seahorse was weak from all the blows he suffered.  The mentality that it had stopped raining scared him.  Alyssa returned and kicked it in the head knocking it to the ground.  She then stomped at it repeatedly.  As the seahorse dried, it shrunk since it couldn’t keep up the energy to maintain its enlarged state.  It instinctively hooked on to Alyssa’s leg with its last bit of energy to avoid being squashed.  This failed, however, since Alyssa simply kicked her leg against the side of the bathtub crushing the seahorse.  When she pulled away, a flat image of the seahorse was imprinted on the bottom of her leg.  Despite the fact that the seahorse tried to rape her, she thought her new tattoo looked kind of cute.  She took a shower and then got ready to do work.

The next day, she showed her friends her new tattoo.  She told them all it was temporary but she wasn’t really sure.  After a while the imprint did fade and Alyssa never told anybody how she had received the tattoo.  No other seahorses ventured further from the Hudson River and never achieved fully developed lungs to not need the water anymore.  Seahorses stopped traveling in water pipes as well.  This was on account of one seahorse going in and being scared off by the large snake.  The only person to have ever seen this new mutated form was Alyssa, but she never told anybody.  She accepted what happened and got on with her life and finished NYU only to go to medical school to continue to establish herself. 

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